

Elizabeth ZEITOUN
專 長
學 歷
地 址
11529 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號
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信 箱
  我的研究領域主要為:臺灣南島語言暨語言學 (Formosan languages and linguistics)。近年來的研究工作為臺灣南島語言之研究(包括鄒語、魯凱語、賽夏語、布農語、泰雅語、巴宰語、卑南語、雅美語),歷史語言學(魯凱語方言比較、古南島語的構擬),數位典藏之建立,人才培育(包括魯凱族、鄒族、賽夏族、泰雅族、布農族、排灣族、賽德克族)。
  • 2007-03-19~迄今 本所研究員
  • 2011-06-27~2014-06-26 本所副所長
  • 2001-09-26~2007-03-18 本所副研究員
  • 1997-08-13~2001-09-25 本所助研究員
  • 1996-11~1997-08-12 本院史語所助研究員
  • 1993-08~1996-11 本院史語所研究助理
  • 1992-08~1993-08 本院史語所約聘研究助理
  • 93年度國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎
  • 99年度國科會傑出研究獎
  • 102-104年中央研究院主題計畫
  • 104年度科技部傑出研究獎
  • 105-109年中央研究院深耕計畫
  • 110-114年中央研究院深耕計畫
  • 太平洋文化基金會 1993/6~1994/5
  • 國家科學委員會 1993-1997 (研究助理)
  • 國家科學委員會 1997-2015 (主持人及共同主持人)
  • 科技部 2015-2021 (主持人及共同主持人)
  • 原住民族委員會 2001/3~2001/11 (主持人)
  • 國家數位典藏計畫 2001/1~2001/12 (主持人) 南島語典藏– 先導性研究
  • 國家數位典藏計畫I 2002/1~2006/12 (主持人) 南島語典藏
  • 國家數位典藏計畫II 2007/1~2012/12 (主持人) 南島語典藏
  • 永續計畫 (語言典藏─台灣南島語數位典藏)2013-2014
  • 中央研究院主題研究計畫 Grant No: AS-102-TP-C05 (主持人) 2012-2015 重新探討所謂的鄒語系的內部關係
  • 中央研究院深耕計畫 2016-2020 (PI) 魯凱語比較研究
  • 中央研究院深耕計畫 2021-2025(PI) 賽夏語參考語法
  • 招待:Nicole Revel (91年9月)
  • 招待:白梅麗 (Marie-Claude Paris – Paris 7) (92年8月15日-9月1日)
  • 招待:戈格林 (Josiane Cauquelin – LASEMA/CNRS) (94年3月11日-4月15日)
  • 招待:沙加爾 (Laurent Sagart – EHESS) (94年8月 – EHESS-AS)
  • 與戈格林 (Josiane Cauquelin – LASEMA/CNRS) 進行卑南語語料數位化共同計畫 (95年1月24日-4月28日)
  • 與曾思奇教授進行布農語語料數位化共同計畫 (95年5月13日-8月31日)
  • 招待:白梅麗 (Marie-Claude Paris – Paris 7) (95年10月29日-95年11月16日)
  • 與曾思奇教授進行布農語語料數位化共同計畫 (96年6月1-31日)
  • 與戈格林 (Josiane Cauquelin – LASEMA/CNRS) 進行卑南語語料數位化共同計畫 (96年3月1-31日;96年9月16日-96年12月17日)
  • 與戈格林 (Josiane Cauquelin – LASEMA/CNRS) 進行卑南語語料數位化共同計畫 (97年11月1日~12月17日)
  • 與艾諾教授 (Véronique Arnaud – CASE (LASEMA)/CNRS) 進行雅美語語語料數位化共同計畫 (98年9月4日-10月14日)
  • 與曾思奇教授進行布農語語料數位化共同計畫 (98年10月1日-11月30日)
  • 與白蓓兒教授 (Isabelle Bril – LACITO/CNRS) 進行阿美語語語料數位化共同計畫 (98年10月15日-11月20日)
  • 與戈格林教授 (Josiane Cauquelin – CASE (LASEMA)/CNRS) 進行卑南語語料數位化共同計畫 (98年11月1日-12月5日)
  • 與艾諾教授 (Véronique Arnaud – CASE (LASEMA)/CNRS) 進行雅美語語語料數位化共同計畫 (99年9月21日-12月22日) NSC-99-2811-H-001-010
  • 與白蓓兒教授 (Isabelle Bril – LACITO/CNRS) 進行北阿美語語料及語法共同計畫 (100年3月17-26日)
  • 招待:Christopher Joby (109年12月24日至110年12月31日)
  • 楊曉芳。2002。《巴丹語言的分群與擬測》碩士論文。臺中沙鹿:靜宜大學。指導教授:何德華 – 口試委員
  • 林谷靜。2002。《鄒語補語結構語意語法及認知之研究》碩士論文。臺北:國立臺灣大學。指導教授:蘇以文 – 口試委員
  • 李佳燕。2004。《東南民答那語之依附詞排序》碩士論文。臺中沙鹿:靜宜大學。指導教授:任查理;共同指導教授:畢樂仁 – 口試委員、主席
  • 吳新生。2008。《尖石泰雅語前綴研究》碩士論文。新竹:國立新竹教育大學。指導教授:黃美金 – 口試委員
  • 李俐盈。2010。《南投縣布農語南部方言(南島)之依附詞》碩士論文。南投:國立暨南國際大學。指導教授:畢樂仁 – 口試委員、主席
  • 劉崇宇。2011。《魯凱霧台方言迴聲元音現象研究》碩士論文。新竹:國立清華大學。指導教授:黃慧娟 – 口試委員、主席
  • 姜懿娟。2012。《卡社布農語語法概略》碩士論文。新竹:國立清華大學。指導教授:廖秀娟 – 口試委員、主席
  • 史家麟。2012。《霧台魯凱語格位標記有無探討》碩士論文。臺北:國立臺灣大學。指導教授:宋麗梅 – 口試委員、主席
  • 傅鳳翮。2013。《Lisin:臺灣的一位當代原住民另類治療者的案例》碩士論文。臺北:國立政治大學。指導教授:賀大衛、劉璧榛 – 口試委員
  • 劉昆龍。2014。《賽考利克泰雅語中句法與訊息結構的互動》博士論文。坎培拉:澳洲國立大學。
  • 雍茜。2015。《A typology of counterfactual clauses》博士論文。香港:香港城市大學。指導教授:馬嘉思 – 口試委員
  • Hemmings, Charlotte。2016。《The Kelabit language, Austronesian voice and syntactic typology》博士論文。倫敦:倫敦大學亞非學院。
  • 林鴻瑞。2016。《噶哈巫語音韻研究》碩士論文。新竹:國立清華大學。
  • 王建邦。2018。《賽夏語的子句間關係:角色與指稱語法的分析》博士論文。臺北:國立臺灣師範大學。指導教授:吳靜蘭 – 口試委員
  • 張惠環。2018。《達悟語社會語法之變異研究》博士論文。嘉義:國立中正大學。指導教授:何德華 – 口試委員
  • 林惠娟。1999。《我們來說萬山話 1~6冊》。臺北:文鶴。
  • 王秀梅。2003。《多納魯凱語事件參與者之構詞語法表現》碩士論文。臺北:國立臺灣師範大學。指導教授:齊莉莎;共同指導教授:黃美金
  • 吳貞慧,碩士後人才培育 (2004-2005) – 賽夏語重疊詞研究
  • 莊雲翔。2007。《臺灣地區國語跟字的語意及句法研究》碩士論文。臺北:國立臺灣師範大學。指導教授:黃美金;共同指導教授:齊莉莎
  • 施姵如。2008。《萬大泰雅語疑問句型之研究》碩士論文。臺北:國立臺灣師範大學。(附 CD)指導教授:齊莉莎;共同指導教授:黃美金
  • 鄧芳青,博士候選人培育 (2006-2007) – 卑南語參考語法
  • 陳春美,博士候選人培育 (2006-2007) – 排灣語和霧台魯凱語之語音研究
  • 王建邦,碩士後人才培育 (2008-2009) – 鄒語、賽夏語和魯凱語復合詞和複雜名詞組研究
  • 林書毅。2011。《古南島語否定詞構擬:以臺灣南島語為據》碩士論文。臺北:國立臺灣師範大學。
  • 戴智偉,博士後 (2011/02-2012/07) – 丹社布農語語法
  • 黃維晨。2012。《佳興排灣語動詞構詞研究》碩士論文。新竹:國立清華大學。指導教授
  • 潘家榮。2012。《沙阿魯阿語參考語法》博士論文。凱恩斯:詹姆士庫克大學。指導教授:Alexandra Aikhenvald – 共同指導教授
  • 林惠娟 (lakadhaalae leeve)。2013。《以民族語言學角度探討萬山魯凱族之曆法儀式》碩士論文。臺北:國立政治大學。指導教授:賀大衛;共同指導教授:齊莉莎
  • 陳昱全。2014。《邵語名物化之探究》碩士論文。南投:國立暨南國際大學。指導教授:齊莉莎;共同指導教授:魏伯特
  • 陳宣如。2016。《卡那卡那富語之音韻研究:最小實詞、單元音化及重音》碩士論文。南投:國立暨南國際大學。指導教授:齊莉莎;共同指導教授:黃慧娟
  • 菈露打赫斯改擺刨。2017。《賽夏語中客語借詞之音韻探討》碩士論文。苗栗:國立聯合大學。指導教授:齊莉莎;共同指導教授:鄧盛有
  • 徐宏欣。2018。《L’inversion provoquée par des adverbes phrastiques dans la langue française: le cas de ainsi》碩士論文。桃園中壢:國立中央大學。指導教授:齊莉莎;共同指導教授:翁振盛
  • 李俐盈。2018。《郡社布農語語法》博士論文。新竹:國立清華大學。指導教授:齊莉莎;共同指導教授:連金發
  • McNaught, Douglas Iain. 2019. The temporal and modal system of Sakizaya: An Indigenous language of Taiwan. Ph.D dissertation. London: SOAS.Advisor: Peter Austin; Co-advisor: Elizabeth Zeitoun
  • 主辦:「第八屆南島語言學國際研討會」 (86年12月28-30日)
  • 主辦:「原住民人才培育發表會」 (88年6月1日)
  • 主辦:「原住民人才培育發表會」 (89年6月28日)
  • 主辦:「台灣南島語言之名物化現象」 (89年10月21-22日)
  • 主辦:「苗瑤語語音學研習營」 (89年11月4、11、18日)
  • 主辦:「研習營」 (90年3月10日-4日28日)
  • 協辦:「台灣與南島文化國際研討會」 (90年12月8-12日)
  • 協辦:「漢語方言研討會」 (90年12月22-23日)
  • 協辦:「蒙古語族語言小型研討會」 (91年9月4-5日)
  • 主辦:「研習營」 (91年12月7日-92年1月18日)
  • 主辦:「南島語小型研討會」- 法國 (92年2月5-7日)
  • 主辦:「研習營」 (92年10月10日-11月29日)
  • 協辦:「第二屆台灣南島語小型研討會」 (92年11月1-2日)
  • 主辦:「2005 年 RRG 國際課程及會議」 (94年6月26-30日)
  • 「古今往來」:歷史語言學與理論語言學的對談 (97年7月14-16日) – 籌備委員
  • 協辦:南島語「並列」及「伴同」結構小型研討會 (98年11月7-8日)
  • 主辦:第十二屆中國境內語言暨語言學國際研討會 (99年6月19-21日)
  • 主辦:二十一世紀漢藏語比較語言學研討會 (99年6月24-26日)
  • 主辦:第十九屆南島語形式語言學會議 (101年6月26-30日)
  • 主辦:「第十三屆南島語言學國際研討會」 (104年7月18-23日)
  • 主辦:「臺灣南島語言動詞分類研究:跨語言、比較、歷時變化工作坊」(108年11月15-16日)
  • 主籌備「歷史文獻中的西拉雅語及鄰近語言研討會」(110年4月27日)
  • 語言暨語言學期刊執行編輯 (2012.01.01-2013.06.30)
  • 語言暨語言學期刊執行編輯 (2008.12.15-2011.12.31)
  • 語言暨語言學期刊代理編輯 (2008.04.14-2008.12.14)
  • 同心圓:語言學研究編輯委員 (2005.09-) & 共同主編 (2006.01)
  • Oceanic Linguistics 副編輯委員 (2004.09-)
  • Pacific Linguistics 編輯委員 (2003-2018)
  • Elizabeth Zeitoun. 2016-09-23. Linguistic studies on Formosan languages (Etudes linguistiques des langues autronésiennes de Taiwan). Institute of Linguistics. Paris Diderot University.
  • Elizabeth Zeitoun. 1995. Problèmes de linguistique dans les langues aborigènes de Taiwan. Paris. University Paris 7, Ph.D Dissertation.
  • 齊莉莎. 1992. 鄒語焦點與格位標記研究:語法與語意. 語言學研究所. 國立清華大學. (80 pages.)
  • 菈露.打赫斯.改擺刨. 2020. 東河賽夏語中客語、閩南語和日語借詞之音韻探討. Cahiers de Linguistique Orientale 49卷第二期,頁168-216.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Stacy F. Teng. 2016. Reassessing the Position of Kanakanavu and Saaroa among the Formosan Languages. Oceanic Linguistics 55.1:163-198.
  • Teng, Stacy F. and Elizabeth Zeitoun. 2016. The Noun-verb distinction in Kanakanavu and Saaroa: Evidence from pronouns. Oceanic Linguistics 55.1:134-161.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Tai-hwa Chu, Lalo a Tahesh Kaybaybaw. 2011. ki as a marker of coordination and comitativity in Saisiyat. Language and Linguistics 12.1:77-107.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Stacy F. Teng, Raleigh Ferrell. 2010. Reconstruction of ‘2’ in PAn and related issues. Language and Linguistics 11.4: 853-884.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2007. Reduplication in Mantauran Rukai. Faits de Langues: La Réduplication 29: 37-47.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Hua, Jia-jing. 2005. A note on Paiwan tj, dj, lj. Language and Linguistics 6.3, 499-504.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Yu, Ching-hua. 2005. Language analysis and language processing. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing 10.2, 167-200.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Wu, Chen-huei. 2005. Saisiyat reduplication revisited. Concentric 31.2, 31-56.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2004. Introduction. Faits de Langues : Les Langues austronésiennes 23-24:7-9.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2004. Les langues austronésiennes: situation géo-linguistique. Faits de Langues : Les Langues austronésiennes 23-24:11-21.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2004. Typologie des langues austronésiennes de Taïwan. Faits de Langues : Les Langues austronésiennes 23-24:41-58.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Yu Ching-hua and Weng Cui-xia. 2003. The Formosan Language Archive: development of a multimedia tool to salvage the languages and oral traditions of the indigenous tribes of Taiwan. Oceanic Linguistics 42.1: 218-232.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2002. Nominalization in Mantauran (Rukai). Language and Linguistics 3.2:241-282.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2001. Negation in Saisiyat: another perspective. Oceanic Linguistics 40.1: 125-134.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and L. Huang. 2000. Discussion on ka-, an overlooked marker of verbal derivation in the Formosan languages. Oceanic Linguistics 39.2:391-414.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2000. Dynamic vs. stative verbs in Mantauran (Rukai). Oceanic Linguistics 39.2:415-427.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, L. Huang, M. Yeh and A. Chang. 1999. Existential, possessive and locative constructions in the Formosan languages. Oceanic Linguistics 38.1: 1-42.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 1998. Les langues austronésiennes de Taiwan: un bilan linguistique. Perspectives Chinoises 49:47-55.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 1997. Coding of grammatical relations in Mantauran. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 68.1: 249-281.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 1997. The pronominal system of Mantauran (Rukai). Oceanic Linguistics 36.2: 114-148.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, L. Huang, M. Yeh, A. Chang, J. Wu.. 1996. The temporal/aspectual and modal systems of the Formosan languages: a typological perspective. Oceanic Linguistics 35.1: 21-56.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 1996. The Tsou temporal, aspectual and modal system revisited. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 67.3: 503-532.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 1993. A semantic study of Tsou case markers. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 64.4:969-989.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and P. Ladefoged. 1993. Pulmonic ingressive phones do not occur in Tsou. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 23.1: 13-15.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 1993. When et la temporalité. Cahiers de recherche en linguistique anglaise 6: 87-110.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2016-08. Sketch grammar of Rukai. Taipei: Council of Indigenous Peoples. (227 pages.)
  • 齊莉莎. 2016. 台灣南島語言叢書8 魯凱語語法概論. 台北: 原住民族委員會. (227 pages.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Tai-hwa Chu and Lalo a Tahesh Kaybaybaw. 2015-02. A Study of Saisiyat Morphology. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. (630 pages.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2007-11. A Grammar of Mantauran Rukai. Taipei: Academia Sinica. (xviii+551 pages.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Hui-chuan Lin. 2003-12. We Should Not Forget the Stories of The Mantauran: Memories of the past. Taipei: Academia Sinica. (xvi+558 pages.)
  • 齊莉莎. 2000. 台灣南島語言叢書5 布農語參考語法. 台北: 遠流出版社.
  • 齊莉莎. 2000. 台灣南島語言叢書7 鄒語參考語法. 台北: 遠流出版社.
  • 齊莉莎. 2000. 台灣南島語言叢書8 魯凱語參考語法. 台北: 遠流出版社.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2017. Rukai (Tona) Language. In Rint Sybesma (ed.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, 3:646-653. Brill: Online 2017.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2015. Analogy and grammatical change: A case study of the verb of “saying” in Mantauran Rukai. In Elizabeth Zeitoun, Stacy F. Teng and Joy J. Wu (ed.), New Advances in Formosan Linguistics, 431-450. Studies on Austronesian Languages, Asia-Pacific Linguistics series A-PL 017 / SAL 003. Canberra: The Australian National University.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Stacy F. Teng and Joy J. Wu. 2015. Foreword. In Elizabeth Zeitoun, Stacy F. Teng and Joy J. Wu (ed.), New Advances in Formosan Linguistics, v-xix. Studies on Austronesian Languages, Asia-Pacific Linguistics series A-PL 017 / SAL 003. Canberra: The Australian National University.
  • Yun-hsiang Chuang and Elizabeth Zeitoun. 2013. Decoding the Multifunctional Usages of gen in Chinese. In Cao Guangshun, Hilary Chappell, Redouane Djamouri, Thekla Wiebusch (ed.), Breaking down the barriers: Interdisciplinary studies in Chinese linguistics and beyond, 279-304. Language and Linguistics Monograh Series. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Tai-hwa Chu and Lalo a Tahesh Kaybaybaw. 2011. Chonglun saixiayu shuxie xitong. [A discussion on the orthography of Saisiyat]. In Shih-hui Lin (ed.), Yuanzhuminzu yuyan fazhan lilun yu shiwu lunchong [The Indigenous Languages [of Taiwan]: Theory and Practice], 276-302. Taipei: Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2011. Le tsou. In Bonvini, Emilio, Joëlle Busuttil et Alain Peyraube (ed.), Dictionnaire des langues, 1177-1185. Paris: PUF.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2011. Les langues austronésiennes de Taiwan. In Bonvini, Emilio, Joëlle Busuttil et Alain Peyraube (ed.), Dictionnaire des langues, 1155-1161. Paris: PUF.
  • 齊莉莎. 2011. 臺灣南島語言學研究. In 楊儒賓等 (ed.), 人文百年化成天下─中華民國百年人文傳承大展, 337-343. 新竹: 國立清華大學.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Stacy F. Teng. 2009. From ki-N 'get N' in Formosan languages to ki-V 'get Ved' (passive) in Rukai, Paiwan and Puyuma. In Bethwyn Evans (ed.), Discovering History through Language: Papers in Honour of Malcolm D. Ross, 479-500, Pacific Linguistics 605. Canberra: The Australian National University.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2009. Reassessing the reconstruction of plural affixes in PAn: Evidence from the Formosan languages. In Alexander Adelaar and Andrew Pawley (ed.), Austronesian Historical Linguistics and Culture History: a Festschrift for Bob Blust, 359–372. Pacific Linguistics 601. Canberra: The Australian National University.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Yu Ching-hua. 2007-10. The Formosan Language Archive. In Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Taitung University (ed.), The Indigenous Languages [of Taiwan]: Theory and Practice, 28-42. Taipei: Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Josiane, Cauquelin. 2006. An ethnolinguistic note on the etymology of ‘Puyuma’. In Chang, Yung-li, Lillian M. Huang, Dah-an Ho (ed.), Streams converging into an Ocean: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Paul Jen-kuei Li on His 70th Birthday, 653-663. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Wu, Chen-Huei. 2006. Reduplication in Formosan languages. In Chang, Yung-li, Lillian M. Huang, Dah-an Ho (ed.), Streams converging into an Ocean: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Paul Jen-kuei Li on His 70th Birthday, 97-142. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2005. Tsou. In Nikolaus Himmelmann and Sander Adelaar (ed.), The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar, 259-290. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2000. Notes on a possessive construction in the Formosan languages. In Videa DeGuzman and Byron Bender (ed.), Grammatical analysis: morphology, syntax and semantics, 241-257. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Huang, Lillian, Marie M. Yeh, Joy J. Wu and Anna H. Chang. 1999. A typological study of pronouns in the Formosan languages. In Wang, Samuel H., Tsao Feng-fu and Lien Chin-fa (ed.), Selected Papers from the 5th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, 165-198. Taipei: The Crane Pub. Co.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, L. Huang, M. Yeh, A. Chang and J. Wu. 1999. Interrogative constructions in some Formosan languages. In Yin Yuen-mei, Yang I-li, Chan Hui-chen (ed.), Chinese Languages and Linguistics, V: Interactions in Language. Symposium Series of the Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica, No.2, 639-680. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office).
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, M. Yeh, L. Huang, A. Chang, J. Wu. 1998. A Preliminary Study on the Negative Constructions in some Formosan Languages. In Shuan-Fan Huang (ed.), Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan, 79-110. Taipei: The Crane Pub. Co..
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, L. Huang, M. Yeh, A. Chang, J. Wu. 1998. A typological overview of nominal case marking of the Formosan languages. In Shuan-Fan Huang (ed.), Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan, 21-48. Taipei: The Crane Pub. Co..
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and L. Huang. 1997. Toward a typology of tense, aspect and modality in the Formosan languages: a preliminary study. In Tseng Chiu-yu (ed.), Proceedings of the IsCCL4, Symposium Series of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, No.4: 595-618. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, and lalo a tahesh kaybaybaw. 2019-05. A morphological study of Hakka, Taiwanese Southern Min and Japanese loanwords in Saisiyat. (Paper presented at SEALS-29 (Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 2019), Tokyo, 2019-05-27~2019-05-29.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, and Stacy F. Teng. 2019-05. Origin and development of the active/passive morphology in Rukai and alignment patterns. (Paper presented at SEALS-29 (Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 2019), Tokyo, 2019-05-27~2019-05-29.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, lalo a tahesh kaybaybaw and Hong-sui Lim. 2018-10. A study of Japanese, Hakka and Taiwanese Southern Min loanwords in Saisiyat from a phonological perspective. (Paper presented at The 12th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching (ISTLT-12), Kaohsiung, 2018-10-26~2018-10-27.)
  • 齊莉莎. 2018-06. 以台灣南島語比較構擬古南島語的交互前綴. (發表於 2018年高雄學學術研討會~高雄港市邁向現代化110週年慶, 高雄, 2018-06-08~2018-06-09.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Tai-hwa Chu and lalo a tahesh kaybaybaw. 2018-05. A preliminary study of onomatopoeia in Tungho Saisiyat. (Paper presented at SEALS-28, Kaohsiung, 2018-05-17~2018-05-20.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2018-04. From space to time: (Re-)examining the grammaticalization path of some spatial prefixes in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at the First ILAS Annual Linguistics Forum, Taiwan, 2018-04-20~2018-04-20.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2017-12. Language contact and language change among the Formosan languages: Exemplification with Saisiyat, Thao, Kaxabu, Atayal Creole and Puyuma. (Paper presented at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, 2017-12-29~2017-12-29.)
  • 齊莉莎. 2017-12. 再論魯凱語六個方言的「親屬」詞. (發表於 魯凱學, 屏東, 2017-12-08~2017-12-09.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2017-11. Are there prepositions in all the Rukai dialects?. (Paper presented at the Workshop on nouns, pronouns and verbs and their teaching in Formosan languages, Taipei, 2017-11-19~2017-11-19.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2017-06. A comparative study of locative/directional and instrumental verbs vs. prepositions in Rukai. (Paper presented at 30e Journées de Linguistique d’Asie Orientale, Paris, France, 2017-06-29~2017-07-01.)
  • Teng, Stacy F. and Elizabeth Zeitoun. 2017-06. Allomorphy and homophony in Formosan languages: A study of Ca-reduplication (and its variants) and implication for reconstruction. (Paper presented at the 9th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL9), Paris, France, 2017-06-21~2017-06-23.)
  • Zeitoun Elizabeth and Anna H. Chang. 2017-04. Reconstruction of the PAN morpheme *ka- and its grammaticalization in the Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The 24th meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association AFLA-24, Seattle, USA, 2017-04-07~2017-04-09.)
  • Zeitoun Elizabeth, Tai-hwa Chu and Lalo a tahesh kaybaybaw. 2017-03. A study on the creation of “new words” in Saisiyat. (Paper presented at the European Association of Taiwan Studies EATS 2017, Venice, Italy, 2017-03-02~2017-03-04.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2016-07. A comparative study of nominalization in Rukai. (Paper presented at the 11th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching, Taipei, 2016-07-12~2016-07-13.)
  • Zeitoun Elizabeth and Stacy F. Teng. 2016-05. Lexical vs. synctactic nominalization in Saaroa and Kanakanavu. (Paper presented at the APLL-8, London, 2016-05-13~2016-05-14.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2016-05. The dynamic/stative distinction in Formosan languages in relation to PAn *pa- and *ka-. (Paper presented at the 15th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-15), Hsinchu, 2016-05-27~2016-05-29.)
  • Zeitoun Elizabeth and Hsuan-ju Chen. 2016-04. Monophthongization in Kanakanavu. (Paper presented at the NWAV-AP 4, Chiayi, 2016-04-22~2016-04-24.)
  • Teng, Stacy F. and Elizabeth Zeitoun. 2015-07. A re-assessment of voice and nominalization in Saaroa. (Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (13-ICAL), Taipei, 2015-07-18~2015-07-23.)
  • Zeitoun Elizabeth and Hsuan-ju Chen. 2015-07. A typology of minimal words in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (13-ICAL), Taipei, 2015-07-18~2015-07-23.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2015-06. Language contact in Saisiyat. (Paper presented at the 2nd World Congress of Taiwan Studies, London, 2015-06-18~2015-06-21.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Lillian M. Huang. 2015-02. Designing reference grammars for Taiwan indigenous languages: collaborative work between linguists and native speakers. (Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (4ICLDC), Honolulu, Hawai‘i, 2015-02-26~2015-03-01.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Tai-hwa Chu and Lalo a tahesh kaybaybaw. 2014-12. A preliminary study on the creation of new words in Saisiyat. (Paper presented at 2014 Taiwan Indigenous Languages International Conference, Taipei, 2014-12-27~2014-12-27.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2014-09. 1994-2014: Twenty years of Formosan linguistics. (Paper presented at the 2014 The International Conference on Formosan Indigenous Peoples: Contemporary Perspectives, Taipei, 2014-09-15~2014-09-17.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2014-06. Kanakanavu voice revisited. (Paper presented at the ILAS bi-monthly colloquium, Taipei, 2014-06-16~2014-06-16.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Stacy F. Teng. 2014-06. The position of Kanakanavu and Saaroa within the Formosan languages revisited. (Paper presented at IsCLL-14, Taipei, 2014-06-04~2014-06-06.)
  • Teng, Stacy F. and Elizabeth Zeitoun. 2014-05. Kanakanavu personal pronouns revisited. (Paper presented at the 7th Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics International conference (APLL7), London, 2014-05-16~2014-05-17.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2013-05. Language contact and language change among the Formosan languages: an exemplification with Saisiyat. (Paper presented at 10th European Congress of Taiwan Studies (EATS 2013), Lyon, 2013-05-02~2013-05-04.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth et al. 2012-06. A Cross-linguistic Study of "say" based on the Academia Sinica Language Archives data. (Paper presented at 4th International Conference on Sinology, Taipei, 2012-06-20~2012-06-22.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2011-07. The verb ‘say’ in Mantauran Rukai: analogy and syntactic change. (Paper presented at Workshop on "Stance Marking Across Languages: Typological, Diachronic and Discourse Perspectives", Hong Kong, 2011-07-18~2011-07-20.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2011-07. Towards the reconstruction of reciprocal prefixes in PAn based on a comparative study of Formosan languages. (Paper presented at Workshop on the Typology of Languages in China, Hong Kong, 2011-07-21~2011-07-21.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Tai-hwa Chu and Lalo a Tahesh Kaybaybaw. 2011-05. A discussion on the orthography of Saisiyat [In Chinese]. (Paper presented at 「原住民族語言發展—理論與實務研討會(Formosa LDC), Taipei, 2011-05-12~2011-05-13.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Tai-hwa Chu. 2010-10. Nominalization in Saisiyat. (Paper presented at Eighth International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching, Miaoli, 2010-10-15~2010-10-16.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2010-03. More on reduplication in Saisiyat. (Paper presented at The 6th anniversary commemoration of the establishment of the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2010-03-01~2010-03-01.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2009-11. ki as a marker of coordination and comitativity in Tungho Saisiyat. (Paper presented at Workshop on Coordination and Comitativity in Austronesian Languages, Taipei, 2009-11-07~2009-11-08.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2008-07. Reassessing the reconstruction of plural affixes in PAn: Evidence from the Formosan languages. (Paper presented at International Conference The Past Meets the Present: A Dialogue Between Historical Linguistics and Theoretical Linguistics, Taipei, 2008-07-14~2008-07-16.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2007-09. Three western scholars’ contibutions to Formosan linguistics. (Paper presented at The International Conference on the One Hundred Year Anniversary of Linguistics in Taiwan: In Memory of Prof. Naoyoshi Ogawa, Taichung, 2007-09-08~2007-09-09.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2007-08. The Formosan Language Archive. (Paper presented at The Indigenous Conference on Aboriginal Languages: Theory and Practices, Taipei, 2007-08-28~2007-08-29.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2006-06. The kinship terms of Mantauran Rukai or why are there 5 words for ‘father’?. (Paper presented at The International Symposium and Workshop on "Comparative Perspectives on Austronesian Studies" 「從比較觀點看南島文化研究」國際論壇暨研習會, Taitung, 2006-06-23~2006-06-25.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Stacy F. Teng. 2006-05. The morpheme ki- in Rukai, Paiwan and Puyuma: innovation or borrowing?. (Paper presented at The IACL 14 & IsCLL 10 Joint Conference, Taipei, 2006-05-25~2006-05-29.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Huang, Lillian M.. 2006-03. Preliminary remarks on Nominalization in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The 13th annual meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association, Hsinchu, 2006-03-24~2006-03-26.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2005-06. Prototypical and less prototypical patterns of reduplication in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop, Taipei, 2005-06-23~2005-06-24.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2005-02. How to proceed with data archiving on endangered languages. (Paper presented at Workshop on the Documentation of Endangered Languages, Hawai‘i, 2005-02-07~.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2005-02. The Formosan Language Archive: Towards the preservation and revival of the indigenous languages of Taiwan. (Paper presented at Celebration of the first anniversary of the creation of the Institute of Linguistics, Taipei, 2005-02-21~.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Yu Ching-hua. 2004-03. The Formosan Language Archive: Language Processing and Linguistc Analysis. (Paper presented at The 1st International Joint Conference on Language Language Processing (IJCNLP-04) Asian Language Resources Workshop, Sanya City. Hainan Island, China, 2004-03-22~2004-03-24.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Malcolm Ross. 2003-11. Change and stasis in grammatical constructions in Rukai. (Paper presented at Second Workshop on Formosan Languages, Taipei, Academia Sinica, 2003-11-01~2003-11-02.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2003-11. Prototypical and less prototypical morphological features in Formosan Languages. (Paper presented at Workshop on Morphology, Taipei, 2003-11-08~2003-11-09.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2003-07. Taiwan’s NDAP Language Archives Project: From bronze inscription texts to Austronesian field recording. (Paper presented at Workshop on Digitizing and annotating texts and field recordings, EMELD Language Digitization, Project Conference 2003, Michigan State University, 2003-07-11~2003-07-13.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2003-03. Toward a reconstruction of Proto-Rukai morpho-syntax. (Paper presented at AFLA X, Hawai'i, 2003-03-28~2003-03-30.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, and Tien-hsin Hsin. 2002-11. Glottal hopping in Mantauran Rukai. (Paper presented at The Eighth International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics, Taipei, 2002-11-08~2002-11-09.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2002-01. Reciprocals in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at International Conference on Austronesian Languages. (ICAL9), Canberra, Australia, 2002-01-08~2002-01-11.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2001-12. Typology of the Formosan languages. (Paper presented at International Symposium on Austronesian Cultures: Issues Relating to Taiwan, Taipei, 2001-12-08~2001-12-12.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2001-06. Plurality in Mantauran Rukai. (Paper presented at The 10th International Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-10), Irvine, 2001-06-22~2001-06-24.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2000-10. Nominalization in Mantauran (Rukai). (Paper presented at Workshop on Nominalization in Formosan Languages, Taipei, 2000-10-21~2000-10-22.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 1997-12. Temporal, hypothetical and counterfactual clauses in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The Eighth International Conference on Austronesian languages, Taipei, 1997-12-28~1997-12-30.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 1997-06. Existential, Possessive and Locative constructions in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The Sixth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Holland, 1997-06-18~1997-06-21.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth, Stacy F. Teng and Joy J. Wu Editors. 2015. New Advances in Formosan Linguistics. Canberra: The Australian National University. (Studies on Austronesian Languages, Asia-Pacific Linguistics series A-PL 017/SAL 003, xxiv+558. pages.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth ed.. 2009-12-28. Formosan Linguistics: Stanley Starosta’s contributions, Language and Linguistics Monograph Series. Taipei: Academia Sinica. (xxv+xxx+977 pages.)
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth ed.. 2007. Role and Reference Grammar in Taiwan, Special Issue of Language and Linguistics, 8.1. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth Responsable scientifique . 2004. Faits de Langues – Les langues austronésiennes. Gap: Ophrys.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth ed.. 2004. Issues on Austronesian Linguistics. Special Issue of Language and Linguistics, 5.2. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth ed.. 2002. Nominalization in Formosan Languages. Special Issue of Language and Linguistics 3.2. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Paul Jen-kuei Li ed.. 1999. Selected papers from the Eighth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. Symposium Series of the Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), No.1. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2012. Review of “Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Harsta, and Janick Wrona, eds. 2011. Nominalization in Asian languages: Diachronic and typological perspectives. Typological Studies in Language 96, xvii + 796 pp. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN 978-90-272-0677-0, $158.00, harbound. . Oceanic Linguistics. 51.2: 606-6 pages.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2008. Review of Josiane Cauquelin. 2004. The Aborigines of Taiwan. The Puyuma: from headhunting to the modern world. London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon. 277pp. Hardcover ISBN 0-415-31413-5.. Journal of Austronesian Studies. 2.1: 127-131 pages.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2005. Review of Josiane Cauquelin. 2004. The Aborigines of Taiwan. The Puyuma: from headhunting to the modern world. London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon. 277pp. Hardcover ISBN 0-415-31413-5.. 東台灣研究 [Journal of Eastern Taiwan Studies]. 10:131-136 pages.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2005. Review of Wang, Shan-shan. 2004. An ergative view of Thao syntax. Ph.D. dissertation, Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, 389 pp. Concentric. 31.1:159-165 pages.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 2002. Review of Li, Paul Jen-kuei, and Shigeru Tsuchida. 2001. Pazih Dictionary. 391 pp. Language and Linguistics Monograph Series, No. A2. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica, 36.2:429-436.. Language and Linguistics. 3.2:481-490 pages.
  • Zeitoun, Elizabeth. 1997. Review of A parametric grammar of Seediq written by Arthur Holmer. Oceanic Linguistics. 36.2:429-436 pages.