

Jonathan P. EVANS
專 長
學 歷
地 址
11529 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號
電 話
信 箱
My main focus recently has been the search for phonetic and phonological properties of pitch that are cross-linguistic. I have also used a combination of phonetic and phonological approaches to solve problems related to tonogenesis and uvularization.

I am also focusing on text-based descriptions of languages of Northeast India, in collaboration with native speakers.
  • 2009-08~迄今 本所副研究員
  • 2003-09~2009-07 本所助研究員
  • 2001-01~2003-08 美國奧克蘭大學訪問助理教授
  • 2000-01~2000-05 美國偉恩州立大學兼任助理教授
  • 2011-08-01~2015-07-31 優秀年輕學者研究計畫: 四種印度東北藏緬語的基本語言結構之探究(100-2628-H-001 -008 -MY4)
  • 2009-01-01~2009-12-31 2008年輕學者赴國外研究獎(中研院)
  • 進行中之研究計畫 - 托托(Toto)語之語法(113-2410-H-001-101-MY3)
  • 進行中之研究計畫 - 第麻紗語之音韻、 語料、 文法與詞彙(108-2410-H-001 -048 -MY3)
  • 已完成之研究計畫 - 仿真語音之語境於響度感知上的效應(107-2410-H-001 -066 -)
  • 已完成之研究計畫 - 以文本為基礎的形態研究:三種喜馬拉雅山區漢藏語的個案(105-2410-H-001 -085 -)
  • 已完成之研究計畫 - 四種印度東北藏緬語的基本語言結構之探究(100-2628-H-001 -008 -MY4)
  • 已完成之研究計畫-大腦處理識別、理解、預測的頻譜震盪反應: 以中文及英文作業為例(99-2410-H-001-104-MY3)(共同主持人)
  • 已完成之研究計畫 - 羌語語音及音韻之類型意涵(97-2410-H-001 -067 -MY3)
  • 已完成之研究計畫 - 羌語聲調與重音之起源與發展(96-2411-H-001 -069 -)
  • 已完成之研究計畫 - 羌語聲調與重音之分析研究(Ⅱ)(95-2411-H-001 -077 -)
  • 已完成之研究計畫 - 南部羌語聲調與聲調起源之分析研究(94-2411-H-001 -071 -)
  • 執行二年期中央研究院博士後研究計畫(2023.03.01~2024.12.31),協助博士後研究學者李娟,進行傣泐語中聲調與形態句法的相互作用( Interactions between Tone, Morphology and Syntax in Tai Lue)研究。
  • Effects of Fundamental Frequency Changes on Spoken Sound Loudness. Department of Linguistics, Indiana University Bloomington, USA. 2023-08-22
  • Tense vs Mood vs Aspect in Dimasa. University of North Texas, Texas, USA. 2022-07-23
  • Analysis of tense, aspect and mood in Dimasa. University of North Texas, Texas, USA. 2022-07-23
  • Classifiers, definiteness, and referent tracking, Part II. University of North Texas, Texas, USA. 2022-07-22
  • Classifiers, definiteness, and referent tracking, Part I. University of North Texas, Texas, USA. 2022-07-22
  • Topic-marking vs Focus-marking in Dimasa. University of North Texas, Texas, USA. 2022-07-21
  • Analysis of topic and focus marking in Dimasa. University of North Texas, Texas, USA. 2022-07-21
  • Typological features of Dimas in the Bodo-Garo context. University of North Texas, Texas, USA. 2022-07-20
  • How to encode Dimasa grammatical structures in a database? University of North Texas, Texas, USA. 2022-07-20
  • Differential case marking in Dimasa: Is it always definite? University of North Texas, Texas, USA. 2022-07-19
  • The relationship between classifier placement and information structure in Dimasa. 中研院語言所,台北。2022-04-18
  • The interplay among variation, metrical structure, and language shift in Punjabi tonogenesis. 中研院語言所,台北。2019-12-03.
  • Psychoacoustic loudness properties of F0 changes. Michigan State University, USA. 2019-08-21.
  • Changes in spoken F0 induce changes in perceived loudness. 中研院語言所,台北。 2019-04-29.
  • Changes in perceived loudness induced by changes in spoken F0. 中正大學,嘉義。2019-04-19.
  • High(er) speech is louder than Low(er) speech. Michigan State University, USA. 2018-08-07
  • Word-Level Prosody in Punjabi. 中研院語言所,台北。2016-05-09
  • Uvularization as a vowel feature. 中研院語言所,台北。 2013-04-15.
  • Mixed Effects Models: An introduction. 中研院語言所,台北。 2010-12-13.
  • Shifting linguistic dominance and the impact of Chinese on the Qiang language. 中研院語言所,台北。2010-10-25.
  • Toward a comprehensive model of pitch in speech. University of Michigan, USA. 2009-03-27.
  • Functional Principal Component Linear Mixed Effect Analysis of Fundamental Frequency. 中研院語言所,2008-09-05。
  • Modeling of Fundamental Frequency Using Linear Mixed Effects Analysis. 中研院語言所,台北。2007-10-01。
  • Modeling of Fundamental Frequency Using Linear Mixed Effects Analysis. 台灣大學,台北。2007-07。
  • Bottom-Up Analysis of Ronghong Qiang Vowel Harmony. 東華大學,台東。2007-05-25。
  • Bottom-Up Analysis of Ronghong Qiang Vowel Harmony. 台灣大學,台北。2007-05-08
  • 客座編輯(Guest editor)-A Special Book of LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS. New findings in languages of the Himalayan region(book is a collection of papers of new research on Tibeto-Burman languages)-(2024.05~2026.01)
  • 客座編輯(Guest editor) - A Special Issue of Journal of Phonetics (2015-07)
  • 編輯委員(Editorial committee) - Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature (KJCLL) (2010-10~2011-12)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-SN Social Sciences (2024)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Language and Speech (2024, 2021)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Concentric: Studies in Linguistics (2023、2019、2018)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area (2023、2021、2020、2019、2018、2016)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-台灣語言學期刊 (2023、2018、2016、2009)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-語言暨語言學 (2023、2022、2021、2010)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Himalayan Linguistics (2021)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Journal of East Asian Linguistics (JEAL)(2021)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (2020)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Journal of Phonetics (2020、2018)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS)(2020)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Transactions of the Philological Society (2020、2019)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Laboratory Phonology (2017)
  • 審查人(Reviewer)-Cahiers Linguistique d'Asie Orientale(2014、2011)
  • Consultant for the project "Differential Marking in Tibeto-Burman" of CORSAL - Computational Resource for South Asian Languages, COLLEGE OF INFORMATION, University of North Texas, USA. May 15,2020~February 29, 2024 (Estimated). Sources of funding: Division Of Behavioral and Cognitive Sci(BCS), NSF.
  • Reviewer for Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (2023/12)
  • Reviewer for Oxford University Press (2023/12)
  • Reviewer for Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale (2022/11)
  • Session Chairman, The 55th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, ICSTLL-55. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (2022/09/15~2022/09/18)
  • The workshop on Dimasa grammar of the Computational Resource for South Asian Languages (CoRSAL) project (Workshop Leader), 19-23 July 2022. University of North Texas, USA.
  • Evaluator for Ph.D. thesis. Department of English / School of Engineering, PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY, INDIA(2021/12~2022/01)
  • Reviewer for grant applications to the Endangered Language Fund(2021/05)
  • Payap University Linguistic Symposium reviewer(2021-02, Chiangmai, Thailand)(2020-12)
  • 台大外文系新聘教師候選人著作審查委員(2019-12)
  • Session Chairman, The 51st International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, ICSTLL-51. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (2018/09/25~2018/09/28)
  • Session Chairman, The 3rd Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Sichuan, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, Frans. (2013/9/2~2013/9/4)
  • SIL International Linguistics Advisor(2011-01~ )
  • 人文社會科學大樓公共事務委員會語言所委員 (2011-01-2011-12)
  • 本院院區美化委員會委員 (2006-2007)
  • 語言所語音實驗室召集人(2019-10~)
  • 語言所圖書委員會委員(2021-01~2022-12、2013-01~2016-12、2005-01~2008-12)
  • 語言所資訊委員會委員(2021-01~2022-12、2011-01~2012-12、2006-01~2007-12)
  • 語言所110年度新聘聘審小組(2021-01~2021-12)
  • 語言所109年度新聘聘審小組(2020-01~2020-12)
  • 語言所語音、音韻及言語科學研究群召集人(2019-01~2019-12)
  • 語言所108年度新聘聘審小組(2019-01~2019-12)
  • 語言所開放空間委員兼召集人(2017)
  • 語言所講論會負責人(2013-01~2014-12)
  • 語言所學術寫作工作坊統籌人(2011-10~2012-03、2010-03~2010-05)
  • 語言所FieldWorks軟體工作坊統籌人(2011-04、2008-10)
  • 語言所英文讀書會統籌人(2008-10~2008-12)
  • 語言所統計學討論會統籌人(2008-02~2008-05)
  • 語言所資訊委員會召集人(2007-01~2008-12)
  • 專題演講- 馮怡蓁副教授(國立台灣大學語言學研究所):The effect of phonetic variation on the organization of the mental lexicon. 主辦人(2024-06-21)
  • 專題演講-李娟(中央研究院語言學研究所博士後學者): The importance of documenting languages with small speech communities: State of the art, challenges, and a case study from Tai Lue. 主辦人(2024-05-14)
  • EGG工作坊­An introduction to phonation and electroglottography。主辦人(2024/3/12)
  • 西夏語主題演講-Mathieu Beaudouin: Recent advances in Tangut grammar。主辦人(2024/1/9)
  • 西夏語主題演講-Mathieu Beaudouin: Recent advances in Tangut phonolog。主辦人(2024/1/9)
  • 語音實驗室第3次小型學術交流會- Stress perception in the absence of stress。 主辦人(2023-6-13)
  • 語音實驗室第2次小型學術交流會- Vowel and onset consonant lengthening as speech segmentation cues: Two studies with Taiwanese Southern Min listeners。 主辦人(2023-5-25)
  • 語音實驗室第1次小型學術交流會- Role of Prosodic Constraints on the Acquisition of Mandarin Tones by French Learners。 主辦人(2023-3-21)
  • 語音實驗室第4次小型學術交流會- What can we do (more) with ultrasound? 主辦人(2022-11-25)
  • 專題演講-Glottalization, tonal contrasts and intonation: insights from Muong, a language of Vietnam(Minh-Châu NGUYÊN and Alexis MICHAUD). 主辦人(2022-10-18)
  • 語音實驗室第3次小型學術交流會- Articulatory correlates of stress in Mandarin. 主辦人(2022-9-19)
  • 語音實驗室第2次小型學術交流會- Processing Advantage of Recurrent Multiword Combinations.主辦人(2022-9-7)
  • 語音實驗室第1次小型學術交流會- Error analysis in Mandarin corpus phonology. 主辦人(2022-4-15)
  • 專題演講- Introducing Sociophonetics: Current Methods and Common Research Topics/ Sociotonetics: Lexical Tone as a Sociophonetic Variable. 主辦人(2022-2-23)
  • 語音實驗室第4次小型學術交流會-Toward a more rigorous artificial grammar learning paradigm in the study of phonological/linguistic knowledge. 主辦人(2021-11-29)
  • 語音實驗室第2次小型學術交流會-The social meaning of sibilant merger in Taiwan Mandarin: a substrate feature turning an identity marker. 主辦人(延期至2021-10-22)
  • 語音實驗室第3次小型學術交流會-Tone speakers' flexibility to switch between opposing and following responses to pitch-shifted auditory feedback. 主辦人(2021-9-8)
  • 專題演講:Phonological overview of Aoic languages-Alexander Coupe. 主辦人(2021-8-23)
  • 視訊交流會:Phonological wordhood in Tani languages. 主辦人(2021-5-14)
  • 專題演講:Realization of tones in Tangsa。主辦人(2021-4-22)
  • Praat軟體簡介工作坊。主辦人(2021-4-12)
  • 語音實驗室第1次小型學術交流會-The effect of linguistic experience on perceived vowel duration: Evidence from Taiwan Mandarin speakers. 主辦人(2021-3-22)
  • 專題演講:An introduction to computational language documentation: example of the BULB project主辦人(2020-09-28)
  • 專題演講:Uncovering syllable-final nasal merging in Taiwan Mandarin主辦人(2020-08-10)
  • 專題演講:On the location of pitch accents主辦人(2019-12-03)
  • 小型研討會:Of tongues and tones: recent insights in phonetics and phonology主辦人(2019-12-03)
  • 專題演講:Software Tools for Rhythm Formant Analysis主辦人(2019-11-25)
  • 專題演講:Speech errors and phonological patterns: Integrating insights from psycholinguistic and linguistic theory主辦人(2019-08-02)
  • Sino Tibetan Languages of Southwest China (STLS 2016) Scientific Committee(2016-09)
  • Workshop on the Representation of Time in Asian Languages (WRTAL) organizing committee(Coordinators)(2011-01~2011-10)
  • Workshop on Tibeto-Burman Languages of Sichuan四川境內藏緬語國際研討會籌備委員 (Local Organizers)(2008/01~2008-11)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.*, Lin, Kueihong, Savostyanov, Alexander N.(accepted). Effects of fundamental frequency changes on spoken sound loudness. PERCEPTION    2024_P&L_Effects of fundamental frequency.pdf
  • Evans Jonathan P.. 2022-12-31. Classifiers in Dimasa and (in-)definite marking. Asian Languages and Linguistics 3(2), 181-201.   2022_ClassifiersinDimasaand(in-)definite.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/alal.22007.eva
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2022-05. Classifiers before numerals: Origin of an atypical morpheme order. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 45(1), 1-21.   2022_Classifiers before numerals.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/ltba.21013.eva
  • Evans, Jonathan P.*, Manyu Johakso. 2021-05. The sounds of Tawrã (Digaru-Mishmi), a Tibeto-Burman language. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 44(1), 1-26.   2021_The sounds of Tawrã (Digaru-Mishmi), a Tibeto-Burman language.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/ltba.20013.eva
  • Evans Jonathan*, Yeh Wen-Chi, Kulkarni Rukmini. 2018. Acoustics of Tone in Indian Punjabi. Transactions of the Philological Society 116(3), 509-528.   2018_ACOUSTICS OF TONE IN INDIAN PUNJABI.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-968x.12135
  • Liou Michelle, Hsieh Jih-Fu, Evans Jonathan, Su I-wen, Nayak Siddharth, Lee Juin-Der, Savostyanov Alexander N.. 2018. Resting heart rate variability in young women is a predictor of EEG reactions to linguistic ambiguity in sentences. Brain Research 1701, 1-17.   2018_Resting heart rate variability in young women is a predictor of EEG reactions to linguistic ambiguity in sentences.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2018.07.009
  • Evans, Jonathan P.*, Sun Jackson T.-S., Chiu Chenhao, Liou Michelle. 2016. Uvular approximation as an articulatory vowel feature. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 46(1), 1-31.   2016_uvular_approximation_as_an_articulatory_vowel_feature.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0025100315000146
  • Hsu Chun-Hsien, Evans Jonathan P., Lee Chia-Ying. 2015. Brain responses to spoken F0 changes: Is H special?. Journal of Phonetics 51, 82-92.   2015_Brain responsestospoken F0 changes.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2015.02.003
  • Evans, Jonathan Paul. 2015. High is not just the opposite of Low. Journal of Phonetics 51, 1-5.   2015_High isnotjusttheoppositeofLow.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2015.05.001
  • Hadjipantelis P. Z., Aston J. A. D., Müller H. G., Evans J. P.. 2015. Unifying Amplitude and Phase Analysis: A Compositional Data Approach to Functional Multivariate Mixed-Effects Modeling of Mandarin Chinese. Journal of the American Statistical Association 110(510), 545-559.   2015_Unifying Amplitude and Phase Analysis A Compositional Data Approach to Functional Multivariate Mixed Effects Modeling of Mandarin Chinese.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2015.1006729
  • Tsai Arthur C., Savostyanov Alexander N., Wu Alan, Evans Jonathan P., Chien Vincent S.C., Yang Han-Hsuan, Yang Dong-Yu, Liou Michelle. 2013. Recognizing syntactic errors in Chinese and English sentences: Brain electrical activity in Asperger's syndrome. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 7(7), 889-905.   2013_Recognizing syntactic errors.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2013.02.001
  • Hadjipantelis Pantelis Z., Aston John A. D., Evans Jonathan P.. 2012. Characterizing fundamental frequency in Mandarin: A functional principal component approach utilizing mixed effect models. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131(6), 4651-4664.   2012_Characterizing fundamental frequency in Mandarin.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4714345
  • Stanford James N., Evans Jonathan P.. 2012. The influence of Mandarin Chinese on minority languages in rural southwest China: a sociolinguistic study of tones in contact. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2012(215), 79-100.   2012_The influence of Mandarin Chinese on minority languages in rural southwest China- a sociolinguistic study of tones in contact.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/ijsl-2012-0030
  • Evans, Jonathan*, Chu Man-ni, Aston John A.D., Su Chao-yu. 2010. Linguistic and Human Effects on F₀ in a Tonal Dialect of Qiang. Phonetica 67(1-2), 82-99.   2010_Linguistic and human effects on F0 in a tonal dialect of Qiang.pdf   http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000319380
  • Aston, J. A. D., Chiou, J. M., Evans, J. P.. 2010. Linguistic Pitch Analysis Using Functional Principal Component Mixed Effect Models . Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 59(2), 297-317.   2010_Linguistic pitch analysis using functional principal component mixed effect models.pdf   https://www.jstor.org/stable/40541687
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2008. 'African' Tone in the Sinosphere. Language and Linguistics 9(3), 463-490.   2008_African tone in the Sinosphere.pdf   http://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/Files/LL/Docments/Journals/9.3/j2008_3_01_8656.pdf
  • Evans, Jonathan P., Huang, Chenglong. 2007. A bottom-up approach to vowel systems: the case of Yadu Qiang. Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 36(2), 147-186.  https://www.persee.fr/doc/clao_0153-3320_2007_num_36_2_1838   2007_A Bottom-Up Approach to Vowel Systems_ The Case of Yadu Qiang_.pdf
  • Huang, Chenglong & Evans, Jonathan P.. 2007. 羌语关系子句的类型 Qiangyu guanxi ziju de leixing [Relative Clause Types in Qiang]. Journal of Sino-Tibetan Linguistics 1, 143-161.   2007_羌语关系子句的类型.pdf
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2006-10. Vowel quality in Hongyan Qiang. Language and Linguistics 7(4), 937-960.   2006_Vowel quality in Hongyan Qiang.pdf
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2006. Origins of vowel pharyngealization in Hongyan Qiang.. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 29(2), 91-123.   2006_Origins of vowel pharyngealization in Hongyan Qiang.pdf
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2001-07. Contact-induced tonogenesis in Southern Qiang. Language and Linguistics 2(2), 63-110.   2001_Contact-Induced Tonogenesis in Southern Qiang.pdf
  • Evans, Jonathan*, Langthasa, Dhrubajit. 2024-04-30. Dimasa language: structure and texts (Language and Linguistics Monograph Series 66). Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica. (270 pages.)   [OA]  Dimasa Language_ Structure and Texts.pdf   https://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/item/zh-tw?act=publish_book&code=view&bookID=144
  • Evans, Jonathan Paul. 2001-03-02. Introduction to Qiang Phonology and Lexicon: Synchrony and Diachrony. Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, ILCAA. (426 pages.)   2001_Introduction to Qiang Lexicon and Phonology- Synchrony and Diachrony Tokyo.pdf
  • Evans, Jonathan P.(accepted). The Sounds of Tibeto-Burman. In Kristine Hildebrandt (ed.), The Handbook of Tibeto-Burman Languages, . Oxford University Press.   2024_OUP_A Survey of Tibeto-Burman phonological phenomena.pdf
  • Evans, Jonathan Paul. 2024-01. Re-evaluating the Sal hypothesis. In 曾淑娟、齊莉莎 (ed.), 中央研究院語言學研究所成所二十週年慶祝論文集, 23-62. 台北市: 中央研究院 語言學研究所.   2024_20週年論文集_Re-evaluating the Sal hypothesis.pdf
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2018-03. Common tone sandhi processes across Sino-Tibetan languages. In Haruo Kubozono, Mikio Giriko. (ed.), Tonal Change and Tonal Neutralization, 223-248. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.   2018_Common tone sandhi processes across Sino-Tibetan languages.pdf
  • Evans, J. P., & Sun, Jackson T. S.. 2015-11. Qiang. In Sybesma, Rint, Behr, Wolfgang, Yueguo, Gu , Handel, Zev, and Huang , C.-T. James. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Chinese languages and Linguistics, ms. 17 pp.. Leiden: Brill: Leiden: Brill.
  • Sun, J. T.-S., & Evans, J.P.. 2013-08-01. 麻窩羌語元音音系再探. In 石鋒、彭剛編 (ed.), 大江東去:王士元先生80華誕慶祝文集, 135-151. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press..
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2009-09-18. Is There a Himalayan Tone Typology?. In 長野泰彥 (ed.), Senri Ethnological Studies no.075 Issues in Tibeto-Burman Historical Linguistics, 199-219. 日本大阪: 国立民族学博物館.   CV_20240508_SES75_013.pdf   https://minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp/record/2573/files/SES75_013.pdf
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2004. Reconstruction of Proto-Qiang Verb Inflection. In 林英津、徐芳敏、李存智、孫天心、楊秀芳、何大安 (ed.), 漢藏語研究:龔煌城先生七秩壽慶論文集, 201-238. 台北: 中央研究院語言學研究所.
  • Shobhana Chelliah, Jonathan Evans, Benjamin Hull, Dhrubajit Langthasa, Mary Burke, Daniel Swanson, Alexis Palmer.. 2023-10. Using Cross Language Analysis to Investigate Factors for Differential Marking.. (Paper presented at 56th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics(ICSTLL-56), 泰國曼谷, 2023-10-09~2023-10-12.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P. *, Langthasa, Dhrubajit. 2020-11. Dimasa TAME markers and their characteristics. (Paper presented at 第三屆中研語言學論壇 「漢藏語言比較研究的回顧與前瞻:紀念龔煌城院士逝世十周年學術研討會」, 中央研究院人文館語言所南棟五樓519會議室, 2020-11-05~2020-11-06.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.*, & Langthasa, Dhrubajit.. 2020-02. Toward more precision in the Dimasa verb complex. (Paper presented at 11th International Conference of the North East Indian Linguistics Society (NEILS11), BTAD Assam, India, 2020-02-07~2020-02-09.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2019-09. Changes in spoken F0 yielding changes in loudness.. (Paper presented at 15th Phonetics and Phonology Meeting, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2019-09-25~2019-09-27.)
  • Evans, Jonathan* & Langthasa, Dhrubajit. 2018-09. Numeral Classifier and Word Order in Dimasa and Bodo-Garo.. (Paper presented at 51th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Kyoto, Japan, 2018-09-25~2018-09-28.)
  • Evans, Jonathan* & Prafulla, Basumatary. 2018-09. Removing Indo-Aryan bias from the phonological description of Bodo.. (Paper presented at 51th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Kyoto, Japan, 2018-09-25~2018-09-28.)
  • Evans, Jonathan* & Anukampa, Ghagra. 2018-09. Verbal suffixes /-o/ and /-kha/ in Kokborok.. (Paper presented at 51th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics., Kyoto, Japan, 2018-09-25~2018-09-28.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2017-11. R-like sounds in Northwestern Rma.. (Paper presented at International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics 50, Beijing, China, 2017-11-25~2017-11-28.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2017-04. Stages of tonogenesis in Punjabi.. (Paper presented at The 4th International Workshop on Sound Change (WSC4), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2017-04-19~2017-04-22.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2016-09. Tawrã (达让) verbal inflection.. (Paper presented at Fourth workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Southwest China (STLS-2016), Seattle, USA, 2016-09-08~2016-09-10.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2016-04. Acoustic properties of Punjabi tone.. (Paper presented at 32nd South Language Analysis Roundtable, Lisbon, Portugal, 2016-04-27~2016-04-29.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2016-01. Voiced and aspirated with a chance of falling pitch: a probabilistic approach to tone in Punjabi.. (Paper presented at Workshop on Tone and Intonation-3, Guwahati, India, 2016-01-07~2016-01-08.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2014-10. Tawrã (达让) verbal morphology.. (Paper presented at International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics 47, Kunming, China, 2014-10-17~2014-10-19.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2013-12. Patterns of culminative tone in Sino-Tibetan languages. (Invited Talk). (Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology., Tokyo, 2013-12-20~2013-12-22.)
  • Evans, Jonathan & Sun, Jackson T.-S.. 2013-09. Presense or absense of tome in a Northern Qiang dialect.. (Paper presented at 3rd Workshop on Sino-Tibetan languages of Sichuan., Paris, 2013-09-02~2013-09-04.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2013-04. Uvularization as a vowel feature.. (Paper presented at ILAS, ILAS, 2013-04-15~.)
  • Evans, Jonathan & Sun, Jackson T.-S. .. 2012-10. Mawo Qiang vowel uvularization.. (Paper presented at 45th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics., Singapore, 2012-10-26~2012-10-28.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2011-10. Tense-Aspect Marking on Discourse Connectives in Tawra. (Paper presented at Workshop on the Representation of Time in Asian Languages, Academia Sinica, 2011-10-26~2011-10-28.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2011-06. Feature underspecification and phonological description. (Paper presented at Bangalore Linguistics Consultant Seminar, Bangalore, India, 2011-06-01~2011-06-10.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2011-04. The use of verb morphology on discourse connectives in Tawrã. (Paper presented at The 5th Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition (CLDC 2011), National Taiwan University, 2011-04-29~2011-05-01.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2010-12. Mixed Effects Models: An introduction.. (Paper presented at 中研院語言所講論會, ILAS, 2010-12-13~.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2008-11. Types of tonal culminativity in languages of Sichuan and elsewhere. (Paper presented at Workshop on Tibeto-Burman Languages of Sichuan, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008-11-21~2008-11-22.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2008-09. Funcitonal Principal Component Linear Mixed Effect Analysis of Fundamental Frequency.. (Paper presented at Academia Sinica Statistical Sciences Institute Summer Statistics Camp., Academia Sinica, 2008-09-05~.)
  • Evans, J. P.. 2008-09. House-internal Geography in Ronghong Qiang. (Paper presented at Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (第41屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議), London, 2008-09-18~2008-09-21.)
  • Evans, J. P.. 2008-09. Is there a Himalayan Tone Typology?. (Paper presented at Linguistic Substrata in the Tibeto-Burman Area, Osaka, Japan, 2008-09-09~2008-09-11.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2006-09. How do you analyze a three-tone system, when all three tones are high?. (Paper presented at 39th ICSTLL, Seattle, 2006-09-14~2006-09-17.)
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2006-05. Characterizations of word tone and accent tone. (Paper presented at ACL-14 &IsCLL-10, 台北市, 2006-05-24~2006-05-29.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2004-12. The drift toward tonology in Southern Qiang.. (Paper presented at Xth Himalayan Language Symposium, Thimphu, Bhutan, 2004-12-01~2004-12-03.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2004. The history of consonant clusters in Qiang. (Paper presented at The 3rd Cross-Straits Workshop on Tibeto-Burman Languages and Linguistics, Hong Kong, 2004~.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2003-11. Reconstruction of Proto-Qiang Verb Complex.. (Paper presented at 36th ICSTLL, Melbourne, Australia, 2003-11-28~2003-11-30.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2002-11. Tones in the Numeral System of Mianchi Qiang. (Paper presented at the 8th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics, Taipei, 2002-11-08~2002-11-10.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2002-03. History and Development of Directional Prefixes in Qiangic. (Paper presented at Burman and Sino-Tibetan Comparative Workshop, Taipei, 2002-03-30~2002-03-31.)
  • Evans, Jonathan. 2002-03. Tone Sandhi in Mianchi Qiang. (Paper presented at Tibeto-Burman and Sino-Tibetan Comparative Workshop, Taipei, 2002-03-30~2002-03-31.)
  • Evans, J. P.. 2009. Restricted Tone Systems across the World's Languages..
  • Evans, Jonathan P.. 2015-07-01. What’s So Special About H(igh)? Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives on the Linguistic Functions of Raised Pitch. (Special Issue of Journal of Phonetics). Amsterdam: Elsevier. (108 pages.)   http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00954470/51