Paul Jen-Kuei LI
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本人五十多年來的研究主要分為兩方面:一為台灣南島語言的調查研究,一為 台灣閩南方言以及漢語音韻學的研究。關於前者已發表專書十八種:《魯凱語結構》、《魯凱語料》、《台灣南島語言的語音符號系統》、《宜蘭縣南島民族與語言》、《高雄縣南島語言》、《台灣南島民族的族群與遷徙》、《台灣平埔族的歷史與互動》、《台灣原住民史-語言篇》、《巴宰語詞典》、《巴宰族傳說歌謠集》、《台灣南島語言論文選集》、《噶瑪蘭語詞典》、《新港文書研究》、《珍惜台灣南島語言》,《八十自述》,Thao Texts and Songs, Texts of the Trobiawan Dialect of Basay, Text analysis of Favorlang,論文近百篇, 大都以英文發表;關於後者也已發表論文九篇。這些論文大都在國內外學術期刊上發表,根據實際觀察所得的語言現象來驗證現有的一些語言理論,或提出個人的新看法。在本行已有一些具體的貢獻。對於歷史語言學而言,這些語言的現象提供了兩種新的看法:不同的年齡和性別差異都可能造成語言的演變。此外,秘密語言也可能促使語言的變遷。有關閩南語的研究,本人的研究主要是嘗試開闢新的研究方向,如「閩南語的兩個否定詞」,「台灣秘密語」觀察到一些新的語言現象,對於音韻理論提供了一些決定性的證據。
- 2021-06-01~2026-05-31 國立台灣師範大學講座教授
- 2010-02-01~2013-01-31 國立清華大學人文社會研究中心厚德榮譽講座
- 2006-10-01~ 本所兼任研究員
- 2006-08-24~2006-10-01 本所特聘研究員
- 1997-08-13~2006-08-23 本所研究員
- 1998-06-16~2000-06-15 本院語言學研究所籌備處處主任
- 1990-07~1993-07 本院史語所副所長
- 1986~1989 國立清華大學語言所教授兼所長
- 1990~1995 國立清華大學語言學研究所兼任教授
- 1981-12~1986-07 史語所第二組(語言組)組主任
- 1976-08~1997-08-12 本院史語所研究員
- 1970-06~1976-07 本院史語所副研究員
- 1976-08~1984-07 國立台灣大學人類學系客座教授
- 1974-08~1976-07 國立台灣大學人類學系客座副教授
- 1963-08~1967-07 國立台灣師範大學英語系講師
- 教育部111年表揚推展本土語言傑出貢獻獎─終身奉獻獎(2022)
- 清華大學榮譽講座教授(2010/2─2013/1)
- 總統科學獎 (2009)
- 美國語言學學會(Linguistic Society of America) 榮譽會士(2008)
- 國科會96年度傑出特約研究員獎 (2008)
- 國立台灣師範大學第7屆傑出校友 (2007)
- 本院院士(第二十六屆當選) (2006)
- 台美基金會傑出人才成就獎 (2005)
- 台灣語言學學會終身成就獎 (2005年11月)
- Oceanic Linguistics: Editorial advisory board (2004-)
- 行政院傑出科技榮譽獎 (2002)
- 國科會傑出獎 (2000)
- 教育部學術獎 (1998)
- 教育部原住民母語研究著作特殊貢獻獎 (1996)
- 國科會傑出獎(1998, 1995, 1987),特約研究
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2015. The discovery of Liangdao man and its implications for the pre-Austronesian homeland. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 43.1:224-231.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2014. Semantic shift and variation in Formosan languages. Language and Linguistics 15.4:465-476.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2013. Thao loans from Bunun. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 7.2:225-241.
- 李壬癸。2012。〈聲韻學因緣:良師益友,助我成長〉[How I learned historical Chinese phonology from great teachers and phonologists]。《聲韻論叢》[Chinese Phonology] 17:23-30。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2011. Early Taiwan and Austronesian dispersal. Communication on Contemporary Anthropology 5:182-191.
- 李壬癸。2010。〈台灣珍貴的文化資產—豐富而歧異的南島語言〉[The treasure of Taiwan: The great diversity of Formosan languages]。《科學月刊》[Science Monthly] 481:70-75。
- 李壬癸。2010。〈從文獻資料看台灣平埔族的語言〉[The plains languages as seen from the written documents]。《台灣語文研究》[Taiwan Journal of Linguistics] 5:1-14。
- 李壬癸。2010。〈台灣東部早期族群的來源及遷移史〉[Origins and dispersal of the Formosan natives in the east coast]。《台灣原住民族季刊》[Taiwan Journal of Indigenous Studies] 3.4:1-9。
- 李壬癸。2010。《珍惜台灣南島語言》[Linguistic Value of Formosan Languages]。台北[Taipei]:前衛出版社[Avanguard Pub.]。
- 李壬癸。2009。〈日本學者對台灣南島語言研究的貢獻〉[Contributions to the Study of Formosan languages by Japanese scholars]。《台灣語文研究》[Journal of Taiwan Languages and Literature] 4:1-20。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2008. The great diversity of Formosan languages. Language and Linguistics 9.3:523-546.
- 李壬癸。2007。〈身體各部名稱在語言上的運用〉。《語言暨語言學》 8.3:711-722。
- 李壬癸。2007。〈台灣南島語言的田野調查〉。《語言學論叢》 36:82-96。
- Li, Paul Jen-Kuei. 2006-06. Numerals in Formosan languages.. Oceanic Linguistics 45(1), 133-152.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2004. Origins of the East Formosan peoples: Basay, Kavalan, Amis and Siraya. Language and Linguistics 5.2:363-376.
- 李壬癸. 2004. Establishing genetic relationship between language families in Southeast Asia. Studies on Sino-Tibetan Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Hwang-cherng Gong on His Seventieth Birthday
- 李壬癸. 2004. Selected Papers on Formosan Languages, 2 vols.. Language and Linguistics Monograph Series No.C3.
- 李壬癸. 2003. Notes on Favorlang, an extinct Formosan language. English-Favorlang Vocabulary
- 李壬癸. 2003. The internal relationships of six western plains languages. Bulletin of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Nation Taiwan University
- 李壬癸. 2003. 日月潭邵族的非祭儀性歌謠. 考古人類學刊
- 李壬癸。2002。〈新發現十五件新港文書的初步解讀〉[Preliminary interpretations of the 15 recently uncovered Sinkang manuscripts]。《台灣史研究》[Taiwan Historical Research] 9.2:1-68。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2002. Nominalization in Pazih. Language and Linguistics 3.2:227-239.
- 李壬癸。2001。〈巴賽語的地位〉[The linguistic position of Basay]。《語言暨語言學》[Language and Linguistics] 2.2:155-171。
- 李壬癸。2001。〈邵語的地位—兼評白樂思 (Blust 1996) 的邵語地位說〉。《平埔族群與台灣歷史文化論文集》, 171-190。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2001. The dispersal of the Formosan aborigines in Taiwan. Language and Linguistics 2.1:271-278.
- 李壬癸。2000。Formosan language materials by Ogawa at Nanzan University。《臺灣史研究》[Taiwan Historical Research], Also appeared as〈南山大學所藏小川尚義による臺灣原住民諸語資料〉,《南山大學人類學研究所通信》[Nanzan Anthropological Institute Newsletter] No.8:2-7 5.2:147-158。
- 李壬癸,吳榮順。2000。〈噶瑪蘭的歌謠〉[Kavalan Folk Songs]。《中央研究院民族學研究所集刊》[BIE] 89:147-205。
- 李壬癸。1995。〈從李姓族譜看宜蘭縣民的遷移史和血統〉[The migration and lineage of the population in I-Lan as based on the Li Lineage Record]。《台灣史研究》[Taiwan Historical Research] 2.1:176-179。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1995. The case-marking system in Mayrinax, Atayal. BIHP 66.1:23-52.
- 李壬癸。1993。〈賽夏族矮人祭歌詞重探〉[The ritual songs of paSta'ay in Saisiyat revisited]。《中研院史語所集刊》BIHP 64.4:891-933。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1993. New data on three extinct Formosan languages. BIHP 63.2:301-323.
- 李壬癸。1992。〈台灣南島語言的舟船同源詞〉[Seafaring cognates in Formosan languages]。《民族語文》[Minzu Yuwen] 74:14-17, 33。
- 李壬癸。1991。〈從歷史語言學家構擬的同源詞看南島民族的史前文化〉[The prehistoric culture of the Austronesians as seen from the cognates reconstructed by the historical linguists]。《大陸雜誌》[The Continent] 83.6:12-22。
- 李壬癸。1991。〈台灣北部平埔族的分類及其語言根據〉[Classification of the sinicized tribes in northern Taiwan as based on linguistic evidence]。《台灣風物》[The Taiwan Folkways] 41.4:197-214。
- 李壬癸,林清財。1990。〈巴則海族的祭祖歌曲及其他歌謠〉[The Pazeh ritual songs for ancestors and other types of folk songs]。《民族學研究所資料彙編》[Field Materials, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (FMIE)] 3:1-16。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1990. Classification of Formosan languages: Lexical evidence. BIHP 61.4:813-848.
- 李壬癸。1989。〈閩南語喉塞音尾性質的檢討〉。《歷史語言研究所集刊》 60.3:197-202。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1988. A comparative study of Bunun dialects. BIHP 59.2:479-508.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1986. Rhyming and phonemic contrast in Southern Min. BIHP 57.3:439-463.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1985. Linguistic criteria for classifying Atayalic dialect groups. BIHP 56.4:699-718.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1985. A secret language in Taiwanese. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 13.1:91-121.
- 李壬癸。1984。〈關於-b尾的構擬及其演變〉。《歷史語言研究所集刊》 55.4:789-795。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei。1983。Notes on Thao dialects。《考古人類學刊》BDAA 43:48-50。
- 李壬癸。1983。〈兩性語言的差異及其起源問題〉[Sex differences in speech and their origins]。《大陸雜誌》[The Continent] 67.2:40-46。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1983. Types of lexical derivation of men’s speech in Mayrinax. BIHP 54.3:1-18.
- 李壬癸。1982。〈從當代語法理論到中國語法教學〉。《中國語文研究》 4:87-95。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1982. Linguistic variations of different age groups in the Ataylic dialects. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies New Series 14.1/2:167-191.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1982. Male and female forms of speech in the Atayalic group. BIHP 53.2:265-304.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1981. Reconstruction of proto-Atayalic phonology. BIHP 52.2:235-301.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1980. The phonological rules of Atayal dialects. BIHP 51.2:349-405.
- 李壬癸。1979。〈從語言的證據推論台灣土著民族的來源〉[Linguistic evidence for the homeland of the Formosan natives]。《大陸雜誌》[The Continent] 59.1:1-14。
- 李壬癸。1979。〈台灣土著語言〉[Formosan languages]。《思與言》[Thought and Speech] 17.4:293-306。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1979. Variations in the Tsou dialects. BIHP 50.2:273-300.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1978. A comparative vocabulary of Saisiyat dialects. BIHP 49.2:133-199.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1977. The internal relationships of Rukai. BIHP 48.1:1-92.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1977. Morphophonemic alternations in Formosan languages. BIHP 48.3:375-413.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1976. Thao phonology. BIHP 47.2:219-244.
- 李壬癸。1975。〈台灣土著語言的研究資料與問題〉[Research materials and problems of Formosan languages]。《民族所集刊》Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology 40:51-84。
- 李壬癸。1975。〈馬加音韻初步報告〉[Maga phonology: A preliminary report]。《考古人類學刊》BDAA [Bulletin of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, National Taiwan University] 37-38:16-28。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1974. Alternations between semiconsonants and fricatives or liquids. Oceanic Linguistics 13:164-186.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1972. On comparative Tsou. Bulletin of the Institute of History & Philology (BIHP) 44.2:311-338.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1971. Two negative markers in Taiwanese. Bulletin of the Institute of History & Philology (BIHP) 43.2:201-220.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2014. Texts of the Trobiawan Dialect of Basay. Asian and African Lexicon Series 56. Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Pacific, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies..
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2013. The Ethnic Groups, Languages, and the Formosan Natives. Taipei: National Academy for Educational Research and Bookman Books, Ltd..
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2011. Thao Texts and Songs《邵語傳說歌謠集》. Institute of Linguistics Monograph Series No.44. Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica Taipei.
- 李壬癸。2010。《珍惜台灣南島語言》[Linguistic Value of Formosan Languages]。台北[Taipei]:前衛出版社[Avanguard Pub.]。
- 李壬癸。2010。《新港文書研究》[Studies of Sinkang Manuscripts]。《語言暨語言學》專刊甲種之39 [Language and Linguistics Monograph Series A39]。中央研究院語言學研究所[Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica]。
- 李壬癸、土田滋. 2006-12. 噶瑪蘭語詞典. 台北: 中央研究院.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2004. Selected Papers on Formosan Languages. Language and Linguistics Monograph Series No.C3 2 volumes, 1556p.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei and Shigeru Tsuchida. 2002. Pazih Texts and Songs《巴宰族傳說歌謠集》. Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica Monograph Series No.A2-2.
- Li, Paul J. K. and Shigeru Tsuchida. 2001. Pazih Dictionary《巴宰語詞典》. Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica Monograph Series No.A2..
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2015. The Austronesian languages of Taiwan. In William S-Y. Wang and Chaofen Sun, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics, 121-134. Oxford University Press.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2015. The preglottalized stops in three Formosan languages. In Elizabeth Zeitoun, Stacy Fang-ching Teng and Jing-lan Joy Wu, eds. New Advances in Formosan Languages: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Lillian M. Huang on Her 65th Birthday, 30-46. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2015. Atayal. In Zev Handel, ed. Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2014. Conjunction in Thao. In I. Wayan Arka and N. L. K. Mas Indrawati, eds. Argument Realisations and Related Constructions in Austronesian Languages: Papers From 12-ICAL, Vol.2, 401-409. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2013. The last text of the last Pazih speaker. In Cao Guangshun, Hilary Chappell, Redouane Djamouri and Thekla Wiebusch, eds. Breaking Down the Barriers: Interdisciplinary Studies in Chinese Linguistics and Beyond《綜古述今 鉤深取極》, 1135-1147. Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica Monograph Series No.50. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
- 李壬癸。2012。〈從語言資料看早期蘭陽平原的族群〉[The ethnic groups in Lanyang plain at an early stage, as seen in the language data]。《探溯淇武蘭—「宜蘭研究」第九屆學術研討會論文集》[Kiwulan International Symposium],13-26。宜蘭市[Yilan]:宜蘭縣史館[Archives of Yilan History]。
- 李壬癸。2011。〈一百年來的語言學〉[Centennial history of linguistics in ROC]。《中華民國發展史:學術發展》[The history of development in the Republic of China: Academic development], 201-230。台北[Taipei]:聯經出版社[Lien-chin Publishing Co.]。重刊於《台灣語文研究》7.1:1-36 (2012)。
- Li, Paul J. K. and Shigeru Tsuchida. 2009. Yet more Proto-Austronesian infixes. In Bethwyn Evans, ed. Discovering History through Language. Papers in Honour of Malcolm Ross, 345-362. Pacific Linguistics 605. Canberra: Australian National University.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2008. Time perspective of Formosan aborigines. In Alicia Sanchez-Mazas, Roger Blench, Malcolm Ross, Ilia Peiros and Marie Lin, eds. Past Human Migrations in East Asia and Taiwan: Matching Archaeology Linguistics and Genetics, 211-218. London and New York: Routledge Curzon.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2007. Linguistic differences among Siraya, Taivuan and Makatau. In Alexander Adelaar and Andrew Pawley, eds. Austronesian Historical Linguistics and Culture History, a Festschrift for Robert A. Blust, 387-396. Pacific Linguistics 601. Canberra: Australian National University.
- 李壬癸. 2006. 沙阿魯阿的歌謠. 山高水長:丁邦新先生七秩壽慶論文集, . 台北: 中央研究院.
- 李壬癸. 2006-12. 從本土到國際:台灣南島語言研究的契機. In 劉翠溶 (ed.), 四分溪論學集:慶祝李遠哲先生七十壽辰, 頁727-748. 台北: 允晨.
- 李壬癸. 2006-08. 台南和高屏地區的平埔族語言—兼論麻豆社的地位. In 葉春榮 (ed.), 建構西拉雅:研討會論文集, 頁17-38. 新營: 台南縣政府.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 2005. Notes on Favorlang, an Extinct Formosan Language. POLA FOREVER: Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y Wang on His Seventieth Birthday, 175-194.
- 李壬癸。2007。〈台灣南島語言的回顧和展望〉。《原住民族語言發展論叢:理論與實務》, 1-11。台北:行政院原住民族委員會。
- 李壬癸。2006。〈從本土到國際:台灣南島語言研究的契機〉。《四分溪論學集:慶祝李遠哲先生七十壽辰》, 727-748。允晨叢刊112。台北:允晨。
- 李壬癸。2006。〈沙阿魯阿的歌謠〉[Saaroa Songs]。《山高水長:丁邦新先生七秩壽慶論文集》[Mountain Lofty, River Long: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Pang-hsin Ting on His Seventieth Birthday], 21-56。中研院語言所《語言暨語言學》專刊外編之六。
- 李壬癸。2006。〈台南和高屏地區的平埔族語言—兼論麻豆社的地位〉。《建構西拉雅》 1-22。新營:高雄縣政府。
- 李壬癸。2005。〈台灣言語學の先驅者小川尚義教授〉。《小川尚義、淺井惠倫台灣資料研究》, 282-287。東京外國語大學。
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 2005. Notes on Favorlang, an Extinct Formosan Language. POLA FOREVER: Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y Wang on His Seventieth Birthday, 175-194. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2004. Establishing genetic relationship between language families in Southeast Asia. Studies on Sino-Tibetan Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Hwang-Cherng Gong on His Seventieth Birthday. Language and Linguistics, 11-42. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2003. Notes on Favorlang, an extinct Formosan language. English-Favorlang Vocabulary, 1-13. Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Asia-African Lexicon Series No.43.
- 李壬癸,吳榮順。2002。〈南鄒群的音樂系統與語言在歌謠中的運用〉。《亞太傳統藝術論壇研討會論文集》 137-154。
- 李壬癸。2001。〈邵族的地位—兼評白樂思(Blust 1996)的邵族地位說〉[On the linguistic position of Thao—Some remarks on Blust’s (1996) ‘Some remarks on the linguistic position of Thao’]。《平埔族群與台灣歷史文化論文集》[Papers Presented at the Symposium on the Plains Aborigines and Taiwan History] 165-184。中央研究院台灣史研究所籌備處[Institute of Taiwan History Preparatory Office, Academia Sinica]。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2000. Formosan languages: The state of the art. In David Blundell. Austronesian Taiwan: Linguistics, History, Ethnology, and Prehistory 45-67. Berkeley: Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology.
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 2000. Some aspects of Pazeh syntax. Grammatical Analysis: Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics, Studies in Honor of Stanley Starosta 89-108. Honolulu: Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication No.29..
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1999. Some problems in the Basay language. Selected Papers from the Eighth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. Symposium Series of the Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office) 635-664. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
- 李壬癸。1998。導論[Introduction]。《台灣原住民文化基本教材》[Basic Materials for the Formosan Natives] 1-42。台北[Taipei]:國立編譯館[National Institute for Compilation and Translation]。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1998. The dialectal differences in Atayal in I-Lan. In Suan-fan Huang. Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan 49-78. Taipei: The Crane.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1997. A syntactic typology of Formosan languages—case markers on nouns and pronouns. Chinese Languages and Linguistics, IV, Typological Studies of Languages in China 343-378. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
- 李壬癸。1996。〈珍惜沒有文字的語言〉[Treasure the unwritten languages]。《全國原住民教育會議實錄》[Records of the National Conference on the Education of the Formosan Natives] 9-18。台北:教育部 [Taipei: Ministry of Education]。
- 李壬癸。1996。〈台灣南島民族關於矮人的傳說〉[Legends about pygmies among the Formosan natives]。《中國神話與傳說學術研討會論文集》[Proceedings of the Conference on Chinese Myth and Legend] 579-604。台北[Taipei]:漢學研究中心[Research in Chinese Studies]。
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1996. The pronominal systems in Rukai. Reconstruction, Classification, Description. Festschrift in Honour of Isidore Dyen. Hamburg: Abera Verlag.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1996. The lingue franche in Taiwan. Atlas of Languages for Intercultural Communication in the Pacific, Asia and the Americas 741-743. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- 李壬癸。1995。〈宜蘭縣境內的各種族群及其遷移歷史〉[The Formosan ethnic groups in I-Lan and their migration history]。《宜蘭研究第一屆學術研討會論文集》[Papers from the First Symposium on I-Lan Studies],宜蘭文獻叢刊[I-Lan Archives Series] 7:72-88。宜蘭縣立文化中心[The cultural Center of I-Lan]。
- 李壬癸。1995。〈台灣南島語言的分布和民族的遷移〉[The language distribution and migration of the Formosan natives]。《第一屆台灣語言國際研討會論文集》[Papers from the First International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan] 1-16。台北 [Taipei]:文鶴 [The Crane]。
- 李壬癸。1995。〈台灣先住民族之語言〉[The aboriginal languages in Taiwan]。《重修台灣省通志》卷三住民志同冑篇 133-170。
- 李壬癸。1995。〈台灣北部平埔族的種類及其互動關係〉[Sinicized tribes in northern Taiwan and their interactions]。《平埔研究論文集》[Symposium of the P’ingpu Studies] 21-40。台北[Taipei]:中研院台史所籌備處[Institute of Taiwan History Preparatory Office, Academia Sinica]。
- 李壬癸。1995。〈台灣南島語言的詞典編纂技術檢討—兼評介現有的幾部詞典〉[On the lexicography of Formosan languages]。《台灣南島民族母語研究論文集》[Papers on the Natives Languages in Taiwan] 1-18。台北[Taipei]:教育部教育研究委員會[Ministry of Education]。
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1995. Is Chinese genetically related to Austronesian?. The Ancestry of the Chinese Language, 93-112. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Monograph Series Number 8 93-112. Berkeley.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1995. Formosan vs. non-Formosan features in some Austronesian languages in Taiwan. Austronesian Studies Relating to Taiwan 651-681. Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica..
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1994. Some plant names in Formosan languages. Austronesian Terminologies: Continuity and Change. Pacific Linguistics C-127 241-266.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1991. Vowel deletion and vowel assimilation in Sediq. Papers on Austronesian languages and ethnolinguistics in honour of George W. Grace. Pacific Linguistics C-117 163-169.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1987. The preglottalised stops in Bunun. A World of Languages: Papers Presented to Professor S.A. Wurm on His 65th Birthday. Pacific Linguistics C-100 381-387.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1986. Linguistic variations of different age groups in some Formosan languages. FOCAL II: Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Pacific Linguistics C-94 33-50.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1985. The position of Atayal in the Austronesian family. Austronesian Linguistics at the 15th Pacific Science Congress. Pacific Linguistics C-88. 257-280.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1982. Atayalic final voiced stops. Third International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Vol.2: Tracking the Travelllers,Pacific Linguistics C-75 171-185.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1982. Kavalan phonology: Synchronic and diachronic. GAVA: Studies in Austronesian Languages and Cultures Dedicated to Hans Kähler 17:479-495. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag.
- Li, Paul. Jen-kuei. 1980. Men’s and women’s speech in Mayrinax. Honor of Professor Lin Yu-k’eng on Her Seventieth Birthday 9-17. Taipei: Wen Shin Publishing Co..
- 李壬癸。1978。〈語言的區域特徵〉[Linguistic areal features]。《屈萬里先生七秩榮慶論文集》[Essays in Honor of Professor Wan-li Chü on His Seventieth Birthday] 475-489。台北:聯經出版事業公司。
- Li, Paul Jen-kuei. 1978. The case-marking systems of the four less known Formosan languages. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Fascicle 1. Pacific Linguistics C-61 569-615. Canberra: Australian National University.
- Li, Paul Jen-Kuei. 2006-12. Formosan subgrouping and related problems.. (Paper presented at the workshop Language and Genes in East Asia/Pacific, Sweden, 2006-12-12~2006-12-12.)
- Li, Paul Jen-Kuei. 2006-09. Some Problems in the Kavalan language. (Paper presented at the 16th Southeast Asian Linguistics, Jakarta, 2006-09-20~2006-09-21.)
- Li, Paul Jen-Kuei. 2006-05. Personal pronouns of Proto-Austronesian. (Paper presented at the International Conference Celebrating the Publication of the Complete Works of Li Fang-kuei and the Publication of the Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 台北市, 2006-05-30~2006-05-31.)
- Li, Paul Jen-Kuei. 2006-05. The great diversity of Formosan languages. (Paper presented at the 14th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics & 10th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics Joint Meeting, 台北市, 2006-05-25~2006-05-29.)
- Li, Paul Jen-Kuei. 2006-03. Austronesian numeral systems.. (Paper presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association, 新竹市, 2006-03-24~2006-03-26.)
- Li, Paul Jen-Kuei. 2006-01. The internal relationships of Formosan languages.. (Paper presented at Tenth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Philippines, 2006-01-17~2006-01-20.)
- 李壬癸. 2005-12. 〈台南和高屏地區的平埔族語言—兼論麻豆社的地位〉,建構西拉雅. (發表於 2005年台南地區平埔族群學術研討會主題演講, 台南市, 2005-12-17~2005-12-18.)
- Li, Paul Jen-Kuei. 2005-06. Numerals in Formosan Languages.. (Paper presented at the Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Austronesian Languages, 台北市, 2005-06-23~2005-06-24.)
- Li, Jen-Kuei. 2005-03. Ogawa's Contributions to the Study of Formosan Languages. (Paper presented at the Symposium of Formosan Aboriginal Studies—From Japanese Period to Present, Japan, 2005-03-25~2005-03-25.)
- 李壬癸. 2005-02. 〈從本土到國際:台灣南島語言研究的契機〉. (發表於 中研院語言所成所一週年慶學術研討會主題演講, 台北市中研院, 2005-02-21~2005-02-21.)
- 李壬癸。2003。〈The internal relationships of six western plain tribe languages in Taiwan 台灣西部六種平埔族群的相互關係及其遷移歷史〉。慶祝宋文薰教授八秩華誕學術研討會。
- 李壬癸. 2002. 〈日月潭邵族的非祭儀性歌謠〉. 人類學的比較與詮釋:慶祝陳奇祿教授八秩華誕國際學術研討會論文.
- 李壬癸。2000。〈七十年來中國語言學研究的回顧〉。《學術史與方法學的省思》 519-539。中央研究院歷史語言研究所。
- 李壬癸。1998。〈一百年來平埔族語言消失的歷程〉。《台灣原住民歷史文化學術研討會論文集》 42-62。台灣省文獻委員會。
- 李壬癸。1998。〈巴則海語的格位標記系統〉。《台灣語言及其教學國際研討會論文集》 1:57-81。國立新竹師範學院。
- 李壬癸。1996。〈台灣南島民族關於矮人的傳說〉。《中國神話與傳說學術研討會論文集》 579-604。台北:漢學研究中心。
- 李壬癸。1995。〈台灣南島語言研究的現狀與展望〉。《第一屆台灣本土文化學術研討會論文集》 229-246。台北:國立台灣師範大學。
- 李壬癸。1995。〈當前國語、方言政策的檢討〉。《當前語文問題論集》 147-164。台灣大學中文系。
- 李壬癸。1994。〈母語教學的基本觀念和教材大綱〉。《台灣地區本土語文之研究與推廣座談會會議記錄》 58-80。台北縣政府。
- 李壬癸. 1994. 〈對於原住民母語教學應有的一些認識〉. 《原住民文化會議論文集》 47-55. 台北:行政院文化建設委員會.
- 李壬癸。1982。〈從當代語法理論到中國語法教學〉。《中日中國語言教學研討會論文集》 105-118。台北:國立台灣師範大學國語教學中心。