Henry Yungli CHANG
專 長
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11529 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號
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- 1997~2001 國立中正大學語言學研究所助理教授
- 2001~2003 國立中正大學語言學研究所副教授
- 2004~迄今 國立清華大學語言學研究所副教授 (合聘)
- 2003~2015 本所副研究員
- 2015~ 本所研究員
- 科技部特殊優秀人才獎勵 (2013-2014)
- 國科會特殊優秀人才獎勵 (2012)
- 國科會特殊優秀人才獎勵 (2011)
- 訪問學人 (澳大利亞詹姆士庫克大學) (2010)
- 國科會優秀學者獎 (2008-2011)
- 教育部「獎勵原住民母語研究著作」甲等獎 (與何大安等共同獲得) (2000)
- 國科會甲種研究獎 (1998~2000)
- 國際中國語言學會青年學者獎 (1998)
- 教育部「獎勵原住民母語研究著作獎」佳作獎 (1998)
- 2023-2024. Principal Investigator, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 112-2410-H-001 -018 -), “The Semantics and Syntax of Aspectual Quantifiers in Tsou (鄒語動貌數量詞的語意解讀及其句法表徵)”
- 2022-2023. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 111-2410-H-001-035-), “The Syntax of Strong and Weak Quantifiers in Formosan Languages: Typological and Theoretical Explorations (臺灣南島語言強弱數量詞句法研究:語言類型和理論的探索)”
- 2021-2022. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 110-2410-H-001-045-), “Degree Wh-Question in Tsou and Seediq: A Perspective of Comparative Syntax (鄒語和賽德克語程度疑問句研究:比較句法學觀點)”
- 2020-2021. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 109-2410-H-001-085-), “Numerals and Predication in Tsou (鄒語數詞與述謂)”
- 2019-2020. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 108-2410-H-001-043-), “Interrogatives and Speech Act Grammar in Tsou (鄒語疑問詞和言語行為語法研究)”
- 2018-2019. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 107-2410-H-001-056-), “Imperative Left Periphery in Tsou”
- 2017-2018. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 106-2410-H-001-049-), “Exclamatives and the ForceP in Tsou”
- 2016-2017. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 105-2410-H-001-092-), “Sentential Force Mood and the CP Left Periphery in Tsou”
- 2012-2015. Principal Investigator, National Science Council, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 100-2420-H-001 -023 -MY3), “Tsou Reference Grammar and Its Revitalization”
- 2009-2012. Principal Investigator, National Science Council, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC 98-2628-H-001 -012), “Ditransitive constructions in comparative Formosan syntax”
- 2008-2010. Principal Investigator, Council for Indigenous Affairs, Executive Yuan, “Compiling a Tsou dictionary”
- 2008-2009. Principle Investigator, National Science Council, “Introducing non-core arguments in Formosan languages”.
- 2005-2008. Principal Investigator, National Science Council, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC 94-2411-H-001-069), “Theoretical implications of typological studies: Case studies of Formosan syntax (I-III)”
- Chang, Henry Y. 2023. Cardinal Predication and the Typology of Formosan Languages. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 21(1). 95-138. [in Chinese]
- Chang, Henry Y. 2022. On the Emergence of a Nonhuman Bound Pronoun and Its Implications. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 9(1). 108-142.
- Lin, Jo-wang, Jane C-C Tang, Henry Y. Chang, Chih-hsiang Shu, and Roger W. Liao. 2022. A study of the restrictions on the distribution of =men in Mandarin Chinese. Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics 1. 79-121. [in Chinese]
- Chang, Henry Y. 2019. Formosan speech act mood in comparative syntax. Journal of South East Asian Linguistics Special Publication 4. 1-13.
- Huang, Chu-Ren, Shu-kai Hsieh, Laurent Prevot, Pei-Yi Hsiao and Henry Y. Chang. 2018-06. Linking Basic Lexicon to Shared Ontology for Endangered Languages: A Linked Data Approach toward Formosan Languages. JOURNAL OF CHINESE LINGUISTICS 46(2), 227-268.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2017. The AV-only restriction and locality in Formosan languages. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 47(2). 231-254.
- Pan, Chia-jung and Henry Y. Chang. 2017. An introduction to the Tsou language. Journal of Sino-Tibetan Linguistics 10. [in Chinese]
- Chang, Henry Y. 2015. Extractions in Tsou causative applicatives. Lingua Sinica 1(5). 1-48.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2013. Transitive light verb as a phase head: Evidence from Tsou, Taiwan Mandarin, and Taiwan Southern Min. Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature 8(1). 93-114.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2011. Triadic encoding in Tsou. LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS 12(4), 799-843. http://idv.sinica.edu.tw/henryylc/Chang%202011b.pdf
- Chang, Henry Y. 2003. Distributivity, plurality, and reduplication in Tsou. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 32(2), 1-30.
- Chang, Henry Y. and Amy Pei-jung Lee. 2002. Nominalization in Kavalan. LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS 3(2), 349-368.
- 李壬癸、張永利、李佩容、葉美利、黃慧娟、鄧芳青 2022. 南島語言(譯著). 譯自Blust, Robert A. 2013. The Austronesian Languages. Revised Edition. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 台北: 聯經.
- 張永利、潘家榮. 2018. 鄒語語法概論. 臺灣南島語言叢書7. 台北: 原住民族委員會.
- 張永利、潘家榮. 2016. 鄒語語法概論. 臺灣南島語言叢書7. 台北: 原住民族委員會.
- 張永利. 2000. 噶瑪蘭語參考語法. 台灣南島語言7. 台北: 遠流.
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2024. Structuring interrogative hows in Tsou and Amis: A comparative syntax perspective. In Shu-Chuan Tseng & Elizabeth Zeitoun (eds.), Linguistic Diversity, but Unity in Research: Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, 265-296. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2024. Serial Verb Constructions and other complex constructions in Formosan languages. In Paul Jen-kuei Li, Elizabeth Zeitoun, Rik de Busser (Eds.), Handbook of Formosan Languages. 773-807. Boston, MA: Brill.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2020. Tsou exclamatives in comparative syntax. In Ileana Paul (ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 26). 18-35. Canada: Digital Publication. https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1047&context=afla
- Chang, Henry Y. 2016. Tsou. In Rint Sybesma, Wolfgang Behr, Yueguo Gu, Zev Handel, C.-T. James Huang, James Myers (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. 1-16. Leiden: Brill.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2015. Nominal aspect in Tsou. In E. Zeitoun, S. Teng, and J. Wu (ed.), New Advances in Formosan Linguistics, 161-187. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2011. Transitivity, ergativity, and the status of O in Tsou.. In Jung-hsing Chang and Jenny Y.-C. Kuo (ed.), Language and Cognition: Festschrift in Honor of James H-Y. Tai on His 70th Birthday, 277-308. Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co..
- Chang, Henry Y. 2011. Tsou case markers revisited: Visibility, proximity, and beyond . In Raung-fu Chung et al. (ed.), Diversity of Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Feng-fu Tsao on the Occasion of his Retirement, 91-123. Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co..
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2010. On the syntax of Formosan adverbial verb constructions. In Raphael Mercado, Eric Potsdam, and Lisa Travis (ed.), Austronesian and Theoretical Linguistics, 183-211. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-10-20. Rethinking the Tsouic Subgroup Hypothesis: A morphological perspective. In enry Y. Chang, Lillian Huang and Dah-an Ho (ed.), Streams Converging Into an Ocean: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Paul Jen-kuei Li on His 70th Birthday, 565-584. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006. The guest playing host: Adverbial modifiers as matrix verbs in Kavalan.. In Hans-Martin Gärtner, Pal Law, Joachim Sabel (ed.), Clause structure and adjuncts in Austronesian languages, 43-82. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2004-12-06. AF verbs: Transitive, intransitive, or both? . In Ying-chin Lin et al. (ed.), Studies on Sino-Tibetan Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Hwang-Cherng Gong on His Seventieth Birthday., 95-120. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 1999-06. Actor/Non-Actor focus asymmetries in Seediq. In Yin et al. (ed.), Chinese Languages and Linguistics V: Interactions in Language, 615-638. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics Preparatory Office, Academia Sinica.
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 1999-05. Seediq bound pronouns: Pronominal clitics or agreement affixes.. In Elizabeth Zeitoun and Paul Jen-kuei Li (ed.), Selected Papers from the Eighth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, 355-370. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics Preparatory Office, Academia Sinica.
- 張永利. 2024.南島語句法專題.語言學卓越營,臺灣師範大學,2024年7月16-28日.
- 張永利. 2024. 台灣南島語言研究回顧與展望. 台灣語文ê進展. 台灣語文學會,國立清華大學,2024年5月8日.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2023-11. Serial Verb Constructions in Formosan Languages: A Restrictive View. Paper presented at the Taipei Venue of Frontiers of Formosan Linguistics: Symposium Showcasting Latest, Collaborative Findings, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 28-29 November 2023.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2023-11. Licensing Ergative in Formosan languages and its Implications. Paper presented at the 2023 NTHU Linguistics Forum, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, 10-11 November 2023.
- 張永利 2023-10. 結構格位與固有格位之分野:台灣南島語言的佐證. 第24屆全國語言學論文研討會.國立台灣大學,台北,2023年10月28-29日.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2023-10. On the Licensing of Genitive Subjects in Formosan Languages: A Preliminary Investigation . Paper presented at the Academia Sinica Linguistics Forum-4, Taipei, 19-20 October 2023.
- 張永利 2023-05. 台灣南島語言數量詞的語意解讀及其句法表徵. 梅廣教授紀念國際學術研討會. 國立清華大學人文社會學院,新竹,2023年5月16-17日.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2023. On the syntax of quantifiers in Tsou. Paper presented at the Workshop on Syntax and Semantics. National Tsing Hua University.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2022-10. Predicative Weak Qauntifiers in Formosan Languages. Paper presented at the 14th Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-14), National Taiwan University, Taipei, 21-22 Oct 2022.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2021-08. Argument structure and catenative complements in Tsou. Paper presented at International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG11), Belgium, 18-20 Aug 2021.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2020-10. Structuring interrogative hows in Tsou and Amis: A Perspective of Comparative Syntax. Paper presented at The 13th Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-13), Academia Sinica, Taipei, 16-17 Oct 2020.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2019-11. Catenative verb classification and the grammar of nonfinites in Tsou. (Paper presented at the Workshop on Verb Classification in Formosan Languages, Academia Sinica, 2019-11-15~2019-11-16.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2019-11. On numeral syntax and the typology of Formosan languages. Paper presented at the 5th Mini-worshop on Austronesian Languages, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, 19 Nov 2019.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2019-10. Cardinal numerals in Formosan languages: A typological perspective. Paper presented at the 3rd Workshop on Indigenous Languages in Taiwan, National Tsing Hua University (Nanta), Hsinchu, 5 Oct 2019.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2019-05. Tsou exclamatives in comparative syntax. (Paper presented at AFLA 26, University of Western Ontorio, Canada, 2019-05-24~2019-05-26.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2018-07. Exclamative Constructions in Tsou. (Paper presented at 10th Internal Conference on Construction Grammar, Paris, 2018-07-16~2018-07-18.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2018-04. Object-control Deficiency and Causative Compensation in Some Formosan Languages. (Paper presented at FOSS-12, Kaohsiung, 2018-04-27~2018-04-28.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2017-11. Exclamatives in Tsou. (Paper presented at The annual meeting of Linguistics Society of Taiwan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, 2017-11-25~.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2017-04. Formosan speech act mood in comparative syntax. (Paper presented at The 24th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-24), Seattle, USA, 2017-04-07~2017-04-09.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2016-09. Emphatic affirmative mood and the ForceP in Tsou. (Paper presented at The Eleventh Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-11), Taipei, 2016-09-01~2016-09-02.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2016-05. Impersonal pronoun in Tsou. (Paper presented at The Fifteenth International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-15), Hsinchu, 2016-05-27~2016-05-29.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2015-09. The AV-only Restriction and Locality. (Paper presented at The International Workshop on the 30th Anniversary of Tsing Hua Linguistics Program, Hsinchu, 2015-09-05~2015-09-05.)
- Wu, Chunming & Henry Y. Chang. 2015-07. Nonfinites in Southern Paiwan: Restructuring, complex predicate, nominalization and CP infinitive. (Paper presented at The 13th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (13-ICAL), Taipei, 2015-07-18~2015-07-23.)
- Wu, Chunming & Henry Y. Chang. 2015-05. Nonfinites in Southern Paiwan: Verbal vs. Nominal. (Paper presented at The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-22), Montreal, Canada, 2015-05-21~2015-05-23.)
- Wu, Chunming & Henry Y. Chang. 2014-05. On the syntax of Mayrinax purposives. (Paper presented at The 21st Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-21), Honolulu, 2014-05-23~2014-05-25.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2014-05. Restructuring and long-distance transitivity agreement in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 21st Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-21), Honolulu, 2014-05-23~2014-05-25.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2013-11. Double transitives and double applicatives. (Paper presented at A Minimalist Workshop on Austronesian Verbal Syntax, Taipei, 2013-11-15~2013-11-15.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2013-05. Extraction asymmetries in Tsou causative applicatives. (Paper presented at The Colloquium of Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2013-05-13~2013-05-13.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2013-04. Mandarin GEI as phase head. (Paper presented at The Ninth Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-9), Chiayi, 2013-04-27~2013-04-28.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2013-02. Light verb and transitivity. (Paper presented at The Workshop in Celebration of the 9th Anniversary of the Inauguration of Institute of Linguistics at Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2013-02-20~2013-02-20.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2012-10. vP-internal phase: Evidence from Tsou, Mandarin Chinese, and Taiwan Southern Min. (Paper presented at The 9th International Symposium on Taiwan Languages and their Teaching, Taoyuan, 2012-10-05~2012-10-06.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2012-08. A phase-based account of extraction asymmetries in Tsou and Chinese. (Paper presented at The 20th Annual Conference of the International Association on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-20), Hong Kong, 2012-08-29~2012-08-31.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2012-06. vP-internal Phase and the Leapfrogging of Theme/Causand. (Paper presented at The 19th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-19), Taipei, 2012-06-26~2012-06-29.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2012-03. Two Types of Nominal Tense in Tsou. (Paper presented at The Eighth Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-8), Hsinchu, 2012-03-24~2012-03-25.)
- 張永利. 2012-03. 台灣南島語言語法:語言類型與理論的啟示. (發表於 台灣南島語言工作坊, 高雄, 2012-03-23~2012-03-23.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2012-02. Nominal Tense in Tsou. (Paper presented at Linguistics Workshop on the Eighth Anniversary of ILAS’ Inauguration, Taipei, 2012-02-20~2012-02-20.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2011-10. Adverbial and adjectival nominal tense in Tsou. (Paper presented at The Workshop on the Representation of Time in Asian Languages (WRTAL 2011), Taipei, 2011-10-26~2011-10-28.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2010-11. The grammatical status and coding of arguments in Tsou. (Paper presented at The colloquium series of Institute of Linguistics, Taipei, 2010-11-15~2010-11-15.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2010-09. Argument realization in Tsou. (Paper presented at Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Australia, 2010-09-03~2010-09-03.)
- Chang, Henry Y. 2010-08. Verbs of perception and cognition in Tsou. (Paper presented at The Roundtable Meeting of Cairns Institute, Australia, 2010-08-11~2010-08-11.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2010-06. Reference voice and ditransitive alignment in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 12th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-12), Taipei, 2010-06-19~2010-06-21.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2010-05. The high-low dichotomy and Tsou applicatives. (Paper presented at The 17th Annual Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-17), New York, 2010-05-07~2010-05-09.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2009-03. Adverbial verbs and adverbial compounds in Tsou. (Paper presented at Workshop on Formosan languages, Kaohsiung, 2009-03-27~2009-03-27.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2009-01. Parameterizing applicative. (Paper presented at The 6th Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-6), Taipei, 2009-01-10~2009-01-11.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2008-11. On missing object in Tsou. (Paper presented at National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, 2008-11-27~2008-11-27.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2008-11. The verb-marking strategy in Formosan relativization. (Paper presented at The International Workshop on Relative Clauses, Taipei, 2008-11-02~2008-11-03.)
- Chang, Henry Y. and Marie M. Yeh. 2008-07. Deriving thematic mismatches in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL-18), Seoul, 2008-07-21~2008-07-26.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2008-06. Focus marking and phrase structure in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 15th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-15), Sydney, 2008-06-30~2008-07-02.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2008-01. On the linguistic position of Kanakanavu and Saaroa. (Paper presented at Workshop on the Classification and Dispersal of Austronesians, Taipei, 2008-01-03~2008-01-03.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2007-05. On the structure of adverbial verb constructions in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The 14th Annual Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-14), Montreal, 2007-05-04~2007-05-06.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2007. Paiwan noun incorporation revisited. (Paper presented at Symposium on Linguistics in Celebration of the 3rd Anniversary of the Institute of Linguistics, Taipei, 2007~2007.)
- Li, Chao-Lin and Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-08. Does Paiwan and Puyuma belong to a subgroup?. (Paper presented at The 2nd Workshop on Internal Relationships of Formosan languages, Taipei, 2006-08-31~2006-08-31.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-08. Rethinking the Tsouic Subgroup Hypothesis: A morphological perspective.. (Paper presented at The 2nd Workshop on Internal and External Relationship of Formosan Languages, Taipei, 2006-08-31~2006-08-31.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2006-05. Is there a Tsouic subgroup?. (Paper presented at The Workshop on Internal Relationships of Formosan languages, Taipei, 2006-05-20~2006-05-20.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-05. Verb sequences in Formosan languages: SVC or secondary predicates?. (Paper presented at The Joint Conference of IACL-14 and IsCLL-10, Taipei, 2006-05-25~2006-05-29.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-03. Syntax-semantics mismatches and complex predicate. (Paper presented at The 13th Annual Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-13), Hsinchu, 2006-03-24~2006-03-26.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-02. Nominal incorporation and its implications. (Paper presented at Nominal Incorporation and Its Kind (NIK), Ontario, 2006-02-20~2006-02-22.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-01. Complex predicates in some Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The 10th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (10-ICAL), Palawan, the Philippines, 2006-01-17~2006-01-20.)
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2006-01. Exclusively grammatical innovations in Tsou and its implications. (Paper presented at Workshop on Internal Relationships of Formosan languages, Taipei, 2006-01-07~2006-01-07.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli and Chun-Ming Wu. 2005-06. Noun (phrase) incorporation in Paiwan. (Paper presented at Taiwan-Japan Joint Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Taipei, 2005-06-23~2005-06-24.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2005-04. Focus harmony and restructuring in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 3rd Formal Conference on Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-3), Hsinchu, 2005-04-16~2005-04-17.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2005-04. Restructuring in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 12th Annual Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-12), California, 2005-04-30~2005-05-02.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2004-11. The syntax of adverbial modifiers in Kavalan and Tsou. . (Paper presented at The 9th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-9), Taipei, 2004-11-19~2004-11-21.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2004-06. Resultatives under restrictions in Mandarin Chinese. (Paper presented at The 12th International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-12), Tienjin, China, 2004-06-18~2004-06-20.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2004-04. The guest playing host: Modifiers as matrix verbs in Kavalan. (Paper presented at The 11th Annual Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-11), Berlin, Germany, 2004-04-23~2004-04-25.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2003-11. AF verbs: Transitive, intransitive, or both? . (Paper presented at The 2nd Workshop on Formosan Languages, Taipei, 2003-11-01~2003-11-02.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2003-10. Phonetic system and phonology in Seediq. (Paper presented at Linguistic Society of Taiwan (LST), Taipei, 2003-10-21~2003-10-21.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2003. Semantic structure, syntactic structure, and Chinese resultatives. (Paper presented at Workshop on the Formal Syntax and Semantics in Chinese, Taipei, 2003~2003.)
- 張永利. 2003. 語言、思維與科學:閩南語的比喻和代喻. (發表於 雲林縣鄉土語言教學研習營, 雲林, 2003~2003.)
- 張永利. 2002. 語言的形式和意義:從泰雅語的「紋面」一詞談起. (發表於 新竹縣91年度原住民族語教學教師研習營, 新竹縣玉峰國小, 2002~2002.)
- 張永利. 2002. 閩南語的詞法和句法特色. (發表於 雲林縣鄉土語言教學研習營, 雲林, 2002~2002.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2001-06. Quantification and distributivity in Tsou. (Paper presented at the Symposium on Selected NSC Projects in General Linguistics from 1998-2000, Taipei, 2001-06-09~2001-06-10.)
- Chang, Henry Yungli. 2001-04. Reduplication and quantification in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 8th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-8), Cambridge, Mass., 2001-04-27~2001-04-29.)
- 張永利. 2021. 千年不墜的瑰寶-源遠流長的台灣南島語言. 投影片. 發表於「zalan·見識南島」節目。影片連結:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhqkpSsQEA4
- 張永利. 2014. 名詞性動貌:以鄒語為例.
- Chang, Henry Y.. 2012. Nominal tense in Tsou.
- 張永利. 2010. 台灣南島語言語法:語言類型與理論的啟示.
- 張永利. 2007. 噶瑪蘭語.
- Chang Henry Y., Hui-chuan J. Huang. 2019. Papers From AFLA 25. Journal of South-East Asian Linguistics, Special Publication 4.
- Chang, Henry Y. 2014-01. Special Issue: Syntax-Semantics Interface, Language and Linguistics vol.15, no.1. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica. (155 pages.)
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