Wei-wen Roger LIAO
Associate Research Fellow/Professor
Generative Syntax, Syntax-Semantics Interfaces, Syntax-Pragmatics Interface
M.A. in Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University (2004)
Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Southern California (2011)
Postdoctoral Fellows The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2012)
Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Southern California (2011)
Postdoctoral Fellows The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2012)
128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
My research adopts the Chomskyan generative approach to language, with emphasis on syntax, semantics, and the syntax-semantics interface. Some goals of my research are to (i) look at various structures in the Chinese languages and study how they may shape our general understanding of grammatical theories under the framework of generative grammar, (ii) study the syntax-semantics interface and develop theories of mapping mechanisms between syntax and semantics (and other interfaces), and (iii) seek elementary principles that guide the syntactic architecture by looking at fundamental properties and problems in current syntactic theories.
- 2018.01.27~迄今 Associate Research Fellow/Professor, Academia Sinica
- 2021~ Associate Professor (Jointly Appointed), Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University
- 2013.01.14~2018 Assistant Research Fellow/Professor, Academia Sinica
- 2012.01~2013.01 Postdoctoral Fellow. Dept. of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- On the modalities of weak imperatives. NSTC Research Project [111-2410-H-001-020-] (2022.08.01 - 2023.07.31)
- On the syntax-semantics of infinitive clauses in Mandarin. [Co-PI: Yuyun Wang] MoST Research Project 110-2410-H-001-030- (2021. 08.01 - 2022. 07.31)
- On Finiteness and Speaker Anchoring in Mandarin Chinese. [Co-PI: Yuyun Iris Wang] MoST Research Project 109-2410-H-001 -084 (2020. 08.01 - 2021. 07.31)
- [MoST Research Project] Two types of contrastive dislocations in Chinese. (Co-PI: Yuyun Iris Wang) (MOST 107-2410-H-001 -063 -MY2] 2018/08/01~2020/07/31
- [MoST Research Project] The Cartography of EVEN and its kin in Chinese (MOST 105-2410-H-001 -090 -MY2) 2016/08/01~2018/07/31
- [MoST Research Project (Excellent Junior Research Investigators)] On the Representation and Derivation of Topicalization. (MOST 104-2628-H-001-003-) 08/01/2015 ~ 07/31/2016
- [NSC Research Project] The Syntax of Quantifier Phrases in Chinese: Comparative Syntax of Mandarin, Taiwanese, and Cantonese. Joint project with Tommi Leung. (NSC 102-2410-H-001-101) 11/01/2013~04/30/2015.
- Co-Editor, Journal of East Asian Linguistics, Springer. 2024.01.01 - present
- Associate Editor, Language & Linguistics. 2022.07.01 -- 2025
- Editorial Board member. Journal of Linguistics, Cambridge UP. 2019 - 2026.
- Editorial Board member. Journal of East Asian Linguistics, Springer. 2016 - 2023.
- Vice President, Linguistics Society of Taiwan (2021.11-2023.11)
- Board member, Linguistics Society of Taiwan (2019-2021; 2021-2023)
- 2016-- Editorial Board member, Journal of East Asian Linguistics, Springer
- 2019-2023 Editorial Board member, Journal of Linguistics, Cambridge University Press
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2023-06-20. Symmetry in the Asymmetric Universe: Remarks on Kayne (2022). Studies in Chinese Linguistics 44(1), 33-50. https://doi.org/10.2478/scl-2023-0002
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger & Grant Hung-Ta Kao. 2023-03-04. Extraction Asymmetries in Topic Structures: A Comparative Analysis. JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN LINGUISTICS 32(1), 63-90. https://rdcu.be/c6TvC
- Wang, Yuyun & Wei-wen Roger Liao. 2021-04. Against the low periphery as phrase markers: Two types of contrastive dislocations in Mandarin Chinese. STUDIA LINGUISTICA 75(1), 97-127. https://doi.org/10.1111/stul.12151
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger & Tzong-hong Jonah Lin. 2019-01. Syntactic structures of Mandarin purposives. LINGUISTICS 57(1), 87-126. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/ling-2018-0032
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2018. Bare numeral phrases in Mandarin and the minimalist mapping hypothesis. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 5(1), 32-57.
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2017. Remarks on the final-over-final condition: A view from Chinese head-final structures. Studies in Chinese Linguistics 38(2), 93-118.
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2015-12. The syntax-semantics of durative phrases in Chinese: The Archimedes' principle in linguistics. . Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 8(2), 301-318.
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2015-04. Once upon an invisible TIME. Studies in Chinese Linguistics 36(1), 21-34.
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2015. On modification of 'whole/zheng' in English and Chinese and the uniformity of syntax. JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN LINGUISTICS 24(1), 53-74. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10831-014-9122-x
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2014. Process-related Durative Phrases as Numeral-Classifier Phrases in Chinese. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 12(2), 59-80. http://tjl.nccu.edu.tw/main/volumes/156
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger*, Shi Dingxu. 2013. To Pronounce or Not to Pronounce: Locating Silent Heads in Chinese and English. Studies in Chinese Linguistics 34(1), 55-65.
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger & Yuyun Iris Wang. 2011. Multiple-Classifier Constructions in Nominal Expressions in Chinese. JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN LINGUISTICS 20(2), 145-168. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10831-011-9072-5
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger*. 2024-02-20. Seeing is (not) believing: on perception verbs in Mandarin Chinese. In Elizabeth Zeitoun, Shu-chuan Tseng (ed.), Diversity in Linguistics, but Unity in Research, 377-406. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica. https://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/item/zh-tw?act=publish_book&code=view&bookID=143
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger & Yuyun Wang. 2022-05. Negative modals and prohibitives in Taiwanese Southern Min. In Andrew Simpson (ed.), New explorations in Chinese theoretical syntax: Studies in honor of Yen-Hui Audrey Li, 193-215. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://benjamins.com/catalog/la.272.07lia
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2015-04. Grammatical Relations. In James D. Wright (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition, Vol.10, 324-329. Oxford: Elsevier.
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger & Yuyun Iris Wang. 2015-01. The same difference: Comparative syntax-semantics of English 'same' and Chinese 'tong/xiang-tong'. In Audrey Li, Andrew Simpson, Wei-tien Tsai (ed.), Chinese Syntax in a Cross-linguistic Perspective, 1288-146. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2014. On the loss of identity and the emergence of order: Symmetry breaking in linguistic theory. In Henk van Riemsdijk and Kuniya Nasukawa (ed.), Identity Relations in Grammar, 289-322. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/430689
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2014. Morphology. In James Huang, Audrey Li, and Andrew Simpson (ed.), Handbook in Chinese Linguistics, 3-25. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger*, Jean-Roger Vergnaud. 2013-10. On Merge-Markers and Nominal Structures. In Katherine McKinney-Bock, Maria Luisa_Zubizareta (ed.), Primitive Elements of Grammatical Theory: Papers by Jean-Roger Vergnaud and his collaborators, 237-374. New York: Routledge.
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. Chinese generative linguistics. In Shei, Chris (ed.), The Routledge encyclopedia of Chinese studies, . London: Routledge.
- 廖偉聞. 2019-11. 論漢語的(非)限定結構與類祈使成分的關係. (發表於 第七屆現代漢語句法語義前沿研討會, 中國廣州, 2019-11-10~.)
- Wang, Yuyun & Wei-wen Roger Liao. 2019-07. Speaker-anchoring, Attitudes, and Finiteness in Mandarin. (Paper presented at 12th Workshop of Theoretical East Asian Linguistics, Macau, China, 2019-07-09~.)
- Wang, Yuyun & Wei-wen Roger Liao. 2019-05. Embedded Imperatives and Finiteness in Mandarin Chinese. (Paper presented at Person and Perspective: A Workshop honoring the work of Maria Luisa Zubizarreta, Los Angeles, 2019-05-04~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2018-12. When even meets only: A dissection of EVEN in Mandarin Chinese. (Paper presented at Generative Perspectives on the Syntax and Acquisition of Japanese, Sendai, Japan, 2018-12-1~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2018-11. The Asymmetry of Topicalization: a View from Mandarin Chinese. (Paper presented at 5th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, 2018-11-23~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2018-03. Adjunct topicalization and movement-merger asymmetry: A view from MCP. (Paper presented at 53rd Linguistics Colloquium at Nanzan, Nagoya, Japan, 2018-03-04~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2017-08. Adjunct fronting in Chinese and the movement-merger asymmetry. (Paper presented at 19th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, Seoul, South Korea, 2017-08-10~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger & Grant Kao. 2017-06. Argumenthood, MCP, and Chinese topicalization. (Paper presented at IACL-25, Budapest, Hungary, 2017-06-25~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger & Chih-hsiang Shu. 2017-06. Beyond the temporal scale of sentence-final 'le' in Mandarin Chinese. (Paper presented at Theoretical East Asian Linguistics, Taiwan, 2017-06-03~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2016-10. Remark on the word order constraint: A view from Chinese head-final structures. (Paper presented at Workshop on Word Order of Heads, Hong Kong, 2016-10-14~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2016-08. The up and down of EVEN. (Paper presented at Theoretical Linguistics at Keio (TaLK) 2016, Tokyo, Japan, 2016-08-07~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger & Wei-cheng Jheng. 2015-12. A tale of two EVEN's. (Paper presented at International Workshop on Cartographic Syntax, Beijing, China, 2015-12-07~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2015-08. On the syntax of degree quantifiers in Chinese. (Paper presented at 23rd Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-23), Seoul, S. Korea, 2015-08-26~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger*, Wei-cheng Jheng. 2015-06. How do we get EVEN? On Chinese "shenzhi" and "lian...dou". (Paper presented at Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL) 11, Tokyo, Japan, 2015-06-13~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger & Tommi Leung. 2015-06. The symmetry of degree expressions. (Paper presented at Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL) 10, Tokyo, Japan, 2015-06-13~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger. 2014-06. On certain Syntax-LF mismatches and the scope parallelism principle. (Paper presented at International Symposium in Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL) 14, Academia Sinica, 2014-06-05~.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger*, Yuyun Wang. 2013-02. On differences of the same the same reference to D. (Paper presented at West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Tempe, Arizona, 2013-02-08~2013-02-10.)
- Liao, Wei-wen Roger, Tommi Leung. 2015-04-30. The Syntax of Quantifier Phrases in Chinese: Comparative Syntax of Mandarin, Taiwanese, and Cantonese. 科技部.