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Henry Yungli CHANG

Henry Yungli CHANG

Research Fellow
Austronesian Linguistics, Syntax, Semantics
Ph.D., National Tsing Hua University (1997)
128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Formal Syntax on Formosan languages
  • 1997~2001 Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan (1997-2001)
  • 2001~2003 Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan (2001-2003)
  • 2004~迄今 Associate Professor (Joint appointment), Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2004-present)
  • 2003~2015 Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2003-2015)
  • 2015~ Research Fellow, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2015-present)
  • MOST Research Award (2013-2014)
  • NSC Research Award (2012)
  • NSC Research Award (2011)
  • Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Australia. (2010)
  • Excellent Research Award,National Science Council,Taiwan. (2008~2011)
  • 2nd Prize from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan [In collaboration with Dah-An Ho et al.] (2000)
  • Research Award, National Science Council,Taiwan (1998~2000)
  • Young Scholar Award, International Association of Chinese Linguistics. (1998)
  • 3rd Prize from the Ministry of Education,Taiwan (1997)
  • 2023-2024. Principal Investigator, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 112-2410-H-001 -018 -), “The Semantics and Syntax of Aspectual Quantifiers in Tsou (鄒語動貌數量詞的語意解讀及其句法表徵)”
  • 2022-2023. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 111-2410-H-001-035-), “The Syntax of Strong and Weak Quantifiers in Formosan Languages: Typological and Theoretical Explorations (臺灣南島語言強弱數量詞句法研究:語言類型和理論的探索)”
  • 2021-2022. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 110-2410-H-001-045-), “Degree Wh-Question in Tsou and Seediq: A Perspective of Comparative Syntax (鄒語和賽德克語程度疑問句研究:比較句法學觀點)”
  • 2020-2021. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 109-2410-H-001-085-), “Numerals and Predication in Tsou (鄒語數詞與述謂)”
  • 2019-2020. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 108-2410-H-001-043-), “Interrogatives and Speech Act Grammar in Tsou (鄒語疑問詞和言語行為語法研究)”
  • 2018-2019. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 107-2410-H-001-056-), “Imperative Left Periphery in Tsou”
  • 2017-2018. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 106-2410-H-001-049-), “Exclamatives and the ForceP in Tsou”
  • 2016-2017. Principal Investigator, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 105-2410-H-001-092-), “Sentential Force Mood and the CP Left Periphery in Tsou”
  • 2012-2015. Principal Investigator, National Science Council, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC: 100-2420-H-001 -023 -MY3), “Tsou Reference Grammar and Its Revitalization”
  • 2009-2012. Principal Investigator, National Science Council, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC 98-2628-H-001 -012), “Ditransitive constructions in comparative Formosan syntax”
  • 2008-2010. Principal Investigator, Council for Indigenous Affairs, Executive Yuan, “Compiling a Tsou dictionary”
  • 2008-2009. Principle Investigator, National Science Council, “Introducing non-core arguments in Formosan languages”.
  • 2005-2008. Principal Investigator, National Science Council, Taiwan (Grant Number NSC 94-2411-H-001-069), “Theoretical implications of typological studies: Case studies of Formosan syntax (I-III)”
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2023. Cardinal Predication and the Typology of Formosan Languages. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 21(1). 95-138. [in Chinese]
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2022. On the Emergence of a Nonhuman Bound Pronoun and Its Implications. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 9(1). 108-142.
  • Lin, Jo-wang, Jane C-C Tang, Henry Y. Chang, Chih-hsiang Shu, and Roger W. Liao. 2022. A study of the restrictions on the distribution of =men in Mandarin Chinese. Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics 1. 79-121. [in Chinese]
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2019. Formosan speech act mood in comparative syntax. Journal of South East Asian Linguistics Special Publication 4. 1-13.
  • Huang, Chu-Ren, Shu-kai Hsieh, Laurent Prevot, Pei-Yi Hsiao and Henry Y. Chang. 2018-06. Linking Basic Lexicon to Shared Ontology for Endangered Languages: A Linked Data Approach toward Formosan Languages. JOURNAL OF CHINESE LINGUISTICS 46(2), 227-268.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2017. The AV-only restriction and locality in Formosan languages. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 47(2). 231-254.
  • Pan, Chia-jung and Henry Y. Chang. 2017. An introduction to the Tsou language. Journal of Sino-Tibetan Linguistics 10. [in Chinese]
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2015. Extractions in Tsou causative applicatives. Lingua Sinica 1(5). 1-48.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2013. Transitive light verb as a phase head: Evidence from Tsou, Taiwan Mandarin, and Taiwan Southern Min. Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature 8(1). 93-114.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2011. Triadic encoding in Tsou. LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS 12(4), 799-843.   http://idv.sinica.edu.tw/henryylc/Chang%202011b.pdf
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2003. Distributivity, plurality, and reduplication in Tsou. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 32(2), 1-30.
  • Chang, Henry Y. and Amy Pei-jung Lee. 2002. Nominalization in Kavalan. LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS 3(2), 349-368.
  • 李壬癸、張永利、李佩容、葉美利、黃慧娟、鄧芳青 2022. 南島語言(譯著). 譯自Blust, Robert A. 2013. The Austronesian Languages. Revised Edition. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 台北: 聯經.
  • 張永利、潘家榮. 2018. 鄒語語法概論. 臺灣南島語言叢書7. 台北: 原住民族委員會.
  • 張永利、潘家榮. 2016. 鄒語語法概論. 臺灣南島語言叢書7. 台北: 原住民族委員會.
  • 張永利. 2000. 噶瑪蘭語參考語法. 台灣南島語言7. 台北: 遠流.
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2024. Structuring interrogative hows in Tsou and Amis: A comparative syntax perspective. In Shu-Chuan Tseng & Elizabeth Zeitoun (eds.), Linguistic Diversity, but Unity in Research: Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, 265-296. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2024. Serial Verb Constructions and other complex constructions in Formosan languages. In Paul Jen-kuei Li, Elizabeth Zeitoun, Rik de Busser (Eds.), Handbook of Formosan Languages. 773-807. Boston, MA: Brill.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2020. Tsou exclamatives in comparative syntax. In Ileana Paul (ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 26). 18-35. Canada: Digital Publication.   https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1047&context=afla
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2016. Tsou. In Rint Sybesma, Wolfgang Behr, Yueguo Gu, Zev Handel, C.-T. James Huang, James Myers (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. 1-16. Leiden: Brill.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2015. Nominal aspect in Tsou. In E. Zeitoun, S. Teng, and J. Wu (ed.), New Advances in Formosan Linguistics, 161-187. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2011. Transitivity, ergativity, and the status of O in Tsou.. In Jung-hsing Chang and Jenny Y.-C. Kuo (ed.), Language and Cognition: Festschrift in Honor of James H-Y. Tai on His 70th Birthday, 277-308. Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co..
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2011. Tsou case markers revisited: Visibility, proximity, and beyond . In Raung-fu Chung et al. (ed.), Diversity of Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Feng-fu Tsao on the Occasion of his Retirement, 91-123. Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co..
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2010. On the syntax of Formosan adverbial verb constructions. In Raphael Mercado, Eric Potsdam, and Lisa Travis (ed.), Austronesian and Theoretical Linguistics, 183-211. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-10-20. Rethinking the Tsouic Subgroup Hypothesis: A morphological perspective. In enry Y. Chang, Lillian Huang and Dah-an Ho (ed.), Streams Converging Into an Ocean: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Paul Jen-kuei Li on His 70th Birthday, 565-584. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006. The guest playing host: Adverbial modifiers as matrix verbs in Kavalan.. In Hans-Martin Gärtner, Pal Law, Joachim Sabel (ed.), Clause structure and adjuncts in Austronesian languages, 43-82. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2004-12-06. AF verbs: Transitive, intransitive, or both? . In Ying-chin Lin et al. (ed.), Studies on Sino-Tibetan Languages: Papers in Honor of Professor Hwang-Cherng Gong on His Seventieth Birthday., 95-120. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 1999-06. Actor/Non-Actor focus asymmetries in Seediq. In Yin et al. (ed.), Chinese Languages and Linguistics V: Interactions in Language, 615-638. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics Preparatory Office, Academia Sinica.
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 1999-05. Seediq bound pronouns: Pronominal clitics or agreement affixes.. In Elizabeth Zeitoun and Paul Jen-kuei Li (ed.), Selected Papers from the Eighth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, 355-370. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics Preparatory Office, Academia Sinica.
  • 張永利. 2024.南島語句法專題.語言學卓越營,臺灣師範大學,2024年7月16-28日.
  • 張永利. 2024. 台灣南島語言研究回顧與展望. 台灣語文ê進展. 台灣語文學會,國立清華大學,2024年5月8日.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2023-11. Serial Verb Constructions in Formosan Languages: A Restrictive View. Paper presented at the Taipei Venue of Frontiers of Formosan Linguistics: Symposium Showcasting Latest, Collaborative Findings, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 28-29 November 2023.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2023-11. Licensing Ergative in Formosan languages and its Implications. Paper presented at the 2023 NTHU Linguistics Forum, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, 10-11 November 2023.
  • 張永利 2023-10. 結構格位與固有格位之分野:台灣南島語言的佐證. 第24屆全國語言學論文研討會.國立台灣大學,台北,2023年10月28-29日.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2023-10. On the Licensing of Genitive Subjects in Formosan Languages: A Preliminary Investigation . Paper presented at the Academia Sinica Linguistics Forum-4, Taipei, 19-20 October 2023.
  • 張永利 2023-05. 台灣南島語言數量詞的語意解讀及其句法表徵. 梅廣教授紀念國際學術研討會. 國立清華大學人文社會學院,新竹,2023年5月16-17日.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2023. On the syntax of quantifiers in Tsou. Paper presented at the Workshop on Syntax and Semantics. National Tsing Hua University.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2022-10. Predicative Weak Qauntifiers in Formosan Languages. Paper presented at the 14th Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-14), National Taiwan University, Taipei, 21-22 Oct 2022.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2021-08. Argument structure and catenative complements in Tsou. Paper presented at International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG11), Belgium, 18-20 Aug 2021.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2020-10. Structuring interrogative hows in Tsou and Amis: A Perspective of Comparative Syntax. Paper presented at The 13th Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-13), Academia Sinica, Taipei, 16-17 Oct 2020.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2019-11. Catenative verb classification and the grammar of nonfinites in Tsou. (Paper presented at the Workshop on Verb Classification in Formosan Languages, Academia Sinica, 2019-11-15~2019-11-16.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2019-11. On numeral syntax and the typology of Formosan languages. Paper presented at the 5th Mini-worshop on Austronesian Languages, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, 19 Nov 2019.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2019-10. Cardinal numerals in Formosan languages: A typological perspective. Paper presented at the 3rd Workshop on Indigenous Languages in Taiwan, National Tsing Hua University (Nanta), Hsinchu, 5 Oct 2019.
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2019-05. Tsou exclamatives in comparative syntax. (Paper presented at AFLA 26, University of Western Ontorio, Canada, 2019-05-24~2019-05-26.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2018-07. Exclamative Constructions in Tsou. (Paper presented at 10th Internal Conference on Construction Grammar, Paris, 2018-07-16~2018-07-18.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2018-04. Object-control Deficiency and Causative Compensation in Some Formosan Languages. (Paper presented at FOSS-12, Kaohsiung, 2018-04-27~2018-04-28.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2017-11. Exclamatives in Tsou. (Paper presented at The annual meeting of Linguistics Society of Taiwan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, 2017-11-25~.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2017-04. Formosan speech act mood in comparative syntax. (Paper presented at The 24th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-24), Seattle, USA, 2017-04-07~2017-04-09.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2016-09. Emphatic affirmative mood and the ForceP in Tsou. (Paper presented at The Eleventh Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-11), Taipei, 2016-09-01~2016-09-02.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2016-05. Impersonal pronoun in Tsou. (Paper presented at The Fifteenth International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-15), Hsinchu, 2016-05-27~2016-05-29.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2015-09. The AV-only Restriction and Locality. (Paper presented at The International Workshop on the 30th Anniversary of Tsing Hua Linguistics Program, Hsinchu, 2015-09-05~2015-09-05.)
  • Wu, Chunming & Henry Y. Chang. 2015-07. Nonfinites in Southern Paiwan: Restructuring, complex predicate, nominalization and CP infinitive. (Paper presented at The 13th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (13-ICAL), Taipei, 2015-07-18~2015-07-23.)
  • Wu, Chunming & Henry Y. Chang. 2015-05. Nonfinites in Southern Paiwan: Verbal vs. Nominal. (Paper presented at The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-22), Montreal, Canada, 2015-05-21~2015-05-23.)
  • Wu, Chunming & Henry Y. Chang. 2014-05. On the syntax of Mayrinax purposives. (Paper presented at The 21st Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-21), Honolulu, 2014-05-23~2014-05-25.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2014-05. Restructuring and long-distance transitivity agreement in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 21st Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-21), Honolulu, 2014-05-23~2014-05-25.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2013-11. Double transitives and double applicatives. (Paper presented at A Minimalist Workshop on Austronesian Verbal Syntax, Taipei, 2013-11-15~2013-11-15.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2013-05. Extraction asymmetries in Tsou causative applicatives. (Paper presented at The Colloquium of Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2013-05-13~2013-05-13.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2013-04. Mandarin GEI as phase head. (Paper presented at The Ninth Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-9), Chiayi, 2013-04-27~2013-04-28.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2013-02. Light verb and transitivity. (Paper presented at The Workshop in Celebration of the 9th Anniversary of the Inauguration of Institute of Linguistics at Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2013-02-20~2013-02-20.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2012-10. vP-internal phase: Evidence from Tsou, Mandarin Chinese, and Taiwan Southern Min. (Paper presented at The 9th International Symposium on Taiwan Languages and their Teaching, Taoyuan, 2012-10-05~2012-10-06.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2012-08. A phase-based account of extraction asymmetries in Tsou and Chinese. (Paper presented at The 20th Annual Conference of the International Association on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-20), Hong Kong, 2012-08-29~2012-08-31.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2012-06. vP-internal Phase and the Leapfrogging of Theme/Causand. (Paper presented at The 19th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-19), Taipei, 2012-06-26~2012-06-29.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2012-03. Two Types of Nominal Tense in Tsou. (Paper presented at The Eighth Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-8), Hsinchu, 2012-03-24~2012-03-25.)
  • 張永利. 2012-03. 台灣南島語言語法:語言類型與理論的啟示. (發表於 台灣南島語言工作坊, 高雄, 2012-03-23~2012-03-23.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2012-02. Nominal Tense in Tsou. (Paper presented at Linguistics Workshop on the Eighth Anniversary of ILAS’ Inauguration, Taipei, 2012-02-20~2012-02-20.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2011-10. Adverbial and adjectival nominal tense in Tsou. (Paper presented at The Workshop on the Representation of Time in Asian Languages (WRTAL 2011), Taipei, 2011-10-26~2011-10-28.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2010-11. The grammatical status and coding of arguments in Tsou. (Paper presented at The colloquium series of Institute of Linguistics, Taipei, 2010-11-15~2010-11-15.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2010-09. Argument realization in Tsou. (Paper presented at Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Australia, 2010-09-03~2010-09-03.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. 2010-08. Verbs of perception and cognition in Tsou. (Paper presented at The Roundtable Meeting of Cairns Institute, Australia, 2010-08-11~2010-08-11.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2010-06. Reference voice and ditransitive alignment in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 12th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-12), Taipei, 2010-06-19~2010-06-21.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2010-05. The high-low dichotomy and Tsou applicatives. (Paper presented at The 17th Annual Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-17), New York, 2010-05-07~2010-05-09.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2009-03. Adverbial verbs and adverbial compounds in Tsou. (Paper presented at Workshop on Formosan languages, Kaohsiung, 2009-03-27~2009-03-27.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2009-01. Parameterizing applicative. (Paper presented at The 6th Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-6), Taipei, 2009-01-10~2009-01-11.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2008-11. On missing object in Tsou. (Paper presented at National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, 2008-11-27~2008-11-27.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2008-11. The verb-marking strategy in Formosan relativization. (Paper presented at The International Workshop on Relative Clauses, Taipei, 2008-11-02~2008-11-03.)
  • Chang, Henry Y. and Marie M. Yeh. 2008-07. Deriving thematic mismatches in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL-18), Seoul, 2008-07-21~2008-07-26.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2008-06. Focus marking and phrase structure in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 15th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-15), Sydney, 2008-06-30~2008-07-02.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2008-01. On the linguistic position of Kanakanavu and Saaroa. (Paper presented at Workshop on the Classification and Dispersal of Austronesians, Taipei, 2008-01-03~2008-01-03.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2007-05. On the structure of adverbial verb constructions in Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The 14th Annual Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-14), Montreal, 2007-05-04~2007-05-06.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2007. Paiwan noun incorporation revisited. (Paper presented at Symposium on Linguistics in Celebration of the 3rd Anniversary of the Institute of Linguistics, Taipei, 2007~2007.)
  • Li, Chao-Lin and Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-08. Does Paiwan and Puyuma belong to a subgroup?. (Paper presented at The 2nd Workshop on Internal Relationships of Formosan languages, Taipei, 2006-08-31~2006-08-31.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-08. Rethinking the Tsouic Subgroup Hypothesis: A morphological perspective.. (Paper presented at The 2nd Workshop on Internal and External Relationship of Formosan Languages, Taipei, 2006-08-31~2006-08-31.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2006-05. Is there a Tsouic subgroup?. (Paper presented at The Workshop on Internal Relationships of Formosan languages, Taipei, 2006-05-20~2006-05-20.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-05. Verb sequences in Formosan languages: SVC or secondary predicates?. (Paper presented at The Joint Conference of IACL-14 and IsCLL-10, Taipei, 2006-05-25~2006-05-29.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-03. Syntax-semantics mismatches and complex predicate. (Paper presented at The 13th Annual Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-13), Hsinchu, 2006-03-24~2006-03-26.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-02. Nominal incorporation and its implications. (Paper presented at Nominal Incorporation and Its Kind (NIK), Ontario, 2006-02-20~2006-02-22.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2006-01. Complex predicates in some Formosan languages. (Paper presented at The 10th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (10-ICAL), Palawan, the Philippines, 2006-01-17~2006-01-20.)
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2006-01. Exclusively grammatical innovations in Tsou and its implications. (Paper presented at Workshop on Internal Relationships of Formosan languages, Taipei, 2006-01-07~2006-01-07.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli and Chun-Ming Wu. 2005-06. Noun (phrase) incorporation in Paiwan. (Paper presented at Taiwan-Japan Joint Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Taipei, 2005-06-23~2005-06-24.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2005-04. Focus harmony and restructuring in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 3rd Formal Conference on Syntax and Semantics (FOSS-3), Hsinchu, 2005-04-16~2005-04-17.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2005-04. Restructuring in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 12th Annual Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-12), California, 2005-04-30~2005-05-02.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2004-11. The syntax of adverbial modifiers in Kavalan and Tsou. . (Paper presented at The 9th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-9), Taipei, 2004-11-19~2004-11-21.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2004-06. Resultatives under restrictions in Mandarin Chinese. (Paper presented at The 12th International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-12), Tienjin, China, 2004-06-18~2004-06-20.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2004-04. The guest playing host: Modifiers as matrix verbs in Kavalan. (Paper presented at The 11th Annual Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-11), Berlin, Germany, 2004-04-23~2004-04-25.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2003-11. AF verbs: Transitive, intransitive, or both? . (Paper presented at The 2nd Workshop on Formosan Languages, Taipei, 2003-11-01~2003-11-02.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2003-10. Phonetic system and phonology in Seediq. (Paper presented at Linguistic Society of Taiwan (LST), Taipei, 2003-10-21~2003-10-21.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2003. Semantic structure, syntactic structure, and Chinese resultatives. (Paper presented at Workshop on the Formal Syntax and Semantics in Chinese, Taipei, 2003~2003.)
  • 張永利. 2003. 語言、思維與科學:閩南語的比喻和代喻. (發表於 雲林縣鄉土語言教學研習營, 雲林, 2003~2003.)
  • 張永利. 2002. 語言的形式和意義:從泰雅語的「紋面」一詞談起. (發表於 新竹縣91年度原住民族語教學教師研習營, 新竹縣玉峰國小, 2002~2002.)
  • 張永利. 2002. 閩南語的詞法和句法特色. (發表於 雲林縣鄉土語言教學研習營, 雲林, 2002~2002.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2001-06. Quantification and distributivity in Tsou. (Paper presented at the Symposium on Selected NSC Projects in General Linguistics from 1998-2000, Taipei, 2001-06-09~2001-06-10.)
  • Chang, Henry Yungli. 2001-04. Reduplication and quantification in Tsou. (Paper presented at The 8th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-8), Cambridge, Mass., 2001-04-27~2001-04-29.)
  • 張永利. 2021. 千年不墜的瑰寶-源遠流長的台灣南島語言. 投影片. 發表於「zalan·見識南島」節目。影片連結:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhqkpSsQEA4
  • 張永利. 2014. 名詞性動貌:以鄒語為例.
  • Chang, Henry Y.. 2012. Nominal tense in Tsou.
  • 張永利. 2010. 台灣南島語言語法:語言類型與理論的啟示.
  • 張永利. 2007. 噶瑪蘭語.
  • Chang Henry Y., Hui-chuan J. Huang. 2019. Papers From AFLA 25. Journal of South-East Asian Linguistics, Special Publication 4.
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