Resolving vowel clusters: A comparison of Isbukun Bunun and Squliq Atayal
Hui-chuan J. Huang
pages : 1-26
Verb classification, aktionsart, and constructions in the Li Jing Ji
Chinfa Lien
pages : 27-61
Stratum vs. stage: Three reconstructions in the literary and colloquial strata of the Suzhou dialect
Hongjun Wang
pages : 63-86
Language choice and ideology in multicultural Taiwan
Jennifer M. Wei
pages : 87-107
Revisiting tone and prominence in Chinese
Hui-chuan Hsu
pages : 109-137
The semantic development from causatives to passives in Chinese
Li-li Chang
pages : 139-174
On the configuration issue of coordination
Niina Zhang
pages : 175-223
Hwang-cherng Gong & Tsu-Lin Mei [Recorded by Rui-wen Wu, edited by Ying-chin Lin]
pages : 225-258