Editing Affairs
- The editor-in-chief can decide to accept a paper (manuscript) or not on the basis of associate /guest editors' conclusions and reviewers' opinions. Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. The flow chart for manuscript processing is thirteen staged:
* second review after revision according to the reviewers’ opinions
** for those difficult or controversial manuscripts needing three or more reviewers
- The normal reviewing process will take four to six months for the first round, and yet there are still individual differences among reviewers.
The journal invites domestic and international scholars within the specialty and greater scholastic public as appointed reviewers and responsible for reviewing manuscripts in their various aspects.
Review Content
- The review criteria of submitted manuscript are as follows:
(I) the level of originality of the ideas
(II) the level of contribution
(III) the level of sufficiency of the material
(IV) the level of rigor in argumentation
Basically, if the level of average review comments is below ordinary, the manuscript is not recommended for acceptance. For those manuscripts that have problems in writing mechanics (too many misspelled words or grammar), the manuscripts will be returned to the authors without any review. In the case that a reviewer could not be found within six months, the manuscript would be returned.
- The review results are categorized as:
(A) accept
(B) minor revision
(C) revise and resubmit
(D) reject
If two reviewers' comments belong to (A) and (B) for a paper, associate/guest editors can recommend accepting it, or if two reviewers' comments belong to (C) and (D) for a paper, associate /guest editors can recommend not accepting it.
Manuscript handling procedure
- Manuscript submission: The format of the manuscript is not limited in the first submission. Authors should submit two pdf files (with fonts embedded) - the paper and abstract both anonymous, i.e. without information regarding the name(s), affiliation(s) and contact information of the author(s)- to the online submission system.
- Revision: For those provisionally accepted manuscripts, the journal will provide the reviewers' revising suggestions to the author who can follow the format of this journal and revise according to the reviewer's suggestions. For the sake of confidentiality, the reviewers' comments, if not relevant to the revision or not indicated by the reviewers, will not be provided to the author.
- Publishing: The revised manuscript will be published after final review. The priority (order) of publishing will be decided by the time order of the final review. When a paper is published formally, the abstract and full text of the paper will be put on the website. Please note that the author should sign a journal contribution publishing agreement with LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS and grant LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS an exclusive, worldwide, royalty free authorization for the full term of copyright five year from publication, which will turn non-exclusive after the expiration of a five-year term.
- Procedures for rejected papers/manuscripts: If a paper/manuscript is rejected in the prereview stage, revision suggestions will not be provided.
Style Sheet
The LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS style sheet generally follows The Generic Style Rules for Linguistics and The Leipzig Glossing Rules, with only one modification: Regarding the style of References, if the title is not only in a different language, but also in a different script, it may be given in the original script, in addition to the transliteration (following it without parentheses). See the last paragraph of §16.8 Miscellaneous in The Generic Style Rules for Linguistics. Manuscripts should be submitted by electronic file in Traditional Chinese or English with specialized formatting kept to a minimum. Submissions for the Chinese journal should not exceed 25,000 words including 500 words of Chinese abstract, and 100–300 words of English abstract with 4–6 keywords, for English, single-spaced and within 35 pages including 100–300 words of English abstract with 4–6 keywords. Submissions for monographs do not have word limit.
Submission Templates
Latest update:2021-12-11