An F0 analysis of discourse construction and global information in realized narrative prosody
Chiu-yu Tseng
pages : 183-218
Retroflexed fricatives in Dongshi Hakka of Taiwan
Raung-fu Chung
pages : 219-248
Agentive and other markings in Qiang
Chenglong Huang
pages : 249-295
Development and strata analysis of Geng She unrounded cognates in Proto-Min
Rui-wen Wu
pages : 297-334
The history of the interrogative structure shi fou-V(N)P
Pei-chuan Wei
pages : 335-392
On the role of coordinative compounding in Chinese: A case study of the grammatical marker liao-ye and other related coordinative markers in classical Chinese
Cheng-hui Liu
pages : 393-424
New sound variation in Taiwan Southern Min: Vowel systems and the lower register entering tone in Taipei, Changhua, and Tainan
Shu-chuan Chen
pages : 425-468