蕭宇超 (Yuchau E. Hsiao)、黃良喜 (Lian-Hee Wee)
頁碼 : 767
OT factorial typology and the typology of Mandarin mid vowel assimilation
林燕慧 (Yen-Hwei Lin)
頁碼 : 769-789
Markedness and lexical typicality in Mandarin acceptability judgments
麥傑 (James Myers)
頁碼 : 791-818
Phonemes, features, and syllables: Converting onset and rime inventories to consonants and vowels
衣莉 (Li Yi)、端木三 (San Duanmu)
頁碼 : 819-842
Chengdu reduplication: An optimality theoretic analysis
林蕙珊 (Hui-shan Lin)
頁碼 : 843-872
Circular tonal chain shifts in Jiaoxian compound words
凌旺楨 (Wang-chen Ling)
頁碼 : 873-889
Prominence from complexity: Capturing Tianjin ditonal patterns
黃良喜 (Lian-Hee Wee)
頁碼 : 891-926
Rethinking OCP effects on tone sandhi
蕭宇超 (Yuchau E. Hsiao)
頁碼 : 927-945