[Featured article] Reconstructing Proto Austronesian verb classes
Malcolm Ross
頁碼 : 279-345
Syllable structure and hiatus resolution in Squliq Atayal
Fernando Orphão de Carvalho
頁碼 : 347-368
Profiling Hakka bun1 causative constructions
賴惠玲 (Huei-ling Lai)
頁碼 : 369-395
An empirical study of Korean adjectival predicates that license double nominative constructions
Jeesun Nam
頁碼 : 397-429
Sino-Tibetan negation and the case of Galo: Explaining a distributional oddity in diachronic terms
Mark W. Post
頁碼 : 431-464
The semantic map of the spatial domain and related functions
王瑋 (Wei Wang)
頁碼 : 465-500