[Featured article] Constituent structure in a Tagalog text
Randy J. LaPolla (羅仁地)
頁碼 : 761-774
Color isn't silent, shallow isn't deep: Two case studies of evaluating silent elements
何萬順 (One-Soon Her)、蔡慧瑾 (Hui-Chin Tsai)
頁碼 : 775-800
Phonological patterning of prevocalic glides in Squliq Atayal
黃慧娟 (Hui-chuan J. Huang)
頁碼 : 801-824
The modal system in Hainan Min
李惠琦 (Hui-chi Lee)
頁碼 : 825-857
In defense of the numeral-based model of Austronesian phylogeny, and of Tsouic
Laurent Sagart (沙加爾)
頁碼 : 859-882
Numeral classifiers in Ersu
張四紅 (Sihong Zhang)
頁碼 : 883-915