Grammatical properties of zo 咗 in Hong Kong Cantonese: A comparative study with le1 了1 in Beijing Mandarin
Xiaolei Fan & Kin Wing Kevin Chan
pages : 371-410
The multifunctionality and grammaticalization of tioʔ5 著 in the Jieyang Min dialect: Also on the language contact of Min and Hakka in Eastern Guangdong
Yanxuan Huang & Dongfang Wen
pages : 411-450
On the grammaticalization and lexicalization of the classical Chinese saying verb dao 道
Wei-Ju Kuo
pages : 451-491
The characteristics and sources of the durative aspectual markers in Haifeng Min dialects
Yuhang Xu
pages : 492-520
On the sources and developments of qie 且 in Old Chinese
Boon Hock Yew
pages : 521-568
Semantic definiteness or pragmatic definiteness: Evidence from two interpretations of Cl-NPs in the Chenghai dialect
Qingwen Zhang & Jia Jin
pages : 569-600