Low vowel raising in Sinitic languages: Assimilation, reduction, or both?
Feng-fan Hsieh
pages : 583-623
By no means marginal: Privative tone in Zhuokeji Rgyalrong
You-Jing Lin
pages : 625-662
Towards a morphosyntactic analysis of Mandarin mood/aspect marker ge
Chih-hsiang Shu
pages : 663-692
Measure readings of Mandarin classifier phrases and the particle de
XuPing Li & Susan Rothstein
pages : 693-741
A non-uniform analysis of ka7 constructions in Taiwan Southern Min
Huei-Ling Lin
pages : 743-766
The social implications of syllable-final nasal mergers in Taiwan Mandarin: A variation study
Hsi-Yao Su
pages : 767-802
The typology of nominalization
Matthias Gerner
pages : 803-844