Computational modeling on language emergence: A coevolution model of lexicon, syntax and social structure
龔濤 (Tao Gong)、 王士元 (William S-Y. Wang)
頁碼 : 1-41
郭必之 (Bit-chee Kwok)
頁碼 : 43-73
Consistency, regularity, and frequency effects in naming Chinese characters
李佳穎 (Chia-Ying Lee)、蔡介立 (Jie-Li Tsai)、蘇仲怡 (Erica Chung-I Su)、曾志朗 (Ovid J. L. Tzeng)、洪蘭 (Daisy L. Hung)
頁碼 : 75-107
Verbs of visual perception in Taiwanese Southern Min: A cognitive approach to shift of semantic domains
連金發 (Chinfa Lien)
頁碼 : 109-132
劉秀雪 (Hsiu-Hsueh Liu)
頁碼 : 133-152
Contracted syllables in Mandarin: Evidence from spontaneous conversations
曾淑娟 (Shu-Chuan Tseng)
頁碼 : 153-180