Lian-Hee Wee & Feng Wang & Yuan Liang
頁碼 : 1-3
Active Syllable Average Limit 1,000 (音涯一千): The phonemic cognitive ability of humans
Jiangping Kong
頁碼 : 4-19
Syllable isochrony and the prosodic features of stop syllables in Cantonese
Ling Zhang
頁碼 : 20-46
Prosodic realization of tonal target and F0 peak alignment in Mandarin neutral tone
Aijun Li & Zhiqiang Li
頁碼 : 47-81
Melodic-prosodic duality of the syllable: An application to Chinese
Yuan Liang & Lian-Hee Wee
頁碼 : 82-115
A preliminary study on nasalization and phonation: The case of Bai
Xuan Li & Feng Wang
頁碼 : 116-139