Left is right, right is not: On the constituency of the classifier phrase in Chinese
One-Soon Her & Hui-Chin Tsai
頁碼 : 1-32
The use of the Korean first person possessive pronoun nay vis-à-vis wuli
Hye-Kyung Lee
頁碼 : 33-53
Tone-induced split in stop category mapping by Korean learners of Mandarin Chinese
Sang-Im Lee-Kim
頁碼 : 54-79
Two types of aa3-nominals in Cantonese
Joanna Ut-Seong Sio & Sze-Wing Tang
頁碼 : 80-103
Mandarin Chinese buguo ('but') as a metacoherence marker in TV/radio interview talks
Yufang Wang & Shu-ing Shyu & Wayne Schams & Hsun-Chen Chen
頁碼 : 104-144
The structure of Num+CL in the Zhoútún dialect: Issues induced by language contact
Chenlei Zhou
頁碼 : 145-173