Latest Publication: Language & Linguistics Volume 22 (2021) Issue 4
We are pleased to announce the new publication of Volume 22.4 of Language and Linguistics. This issue includes the following 5 articles and 1 acknowledgement:
A unified semantic analysis of Chinese adverbial ziji
Hsiu-Chen Daphne Liao
Chinese idioms as constructions: Frequency, semantic tran sparency and their processing
Te-hsin Liu and Lily I-Wen Su
/ka-/ negative prefix of Choswateng Tibetan of Khams (Shangri-La, Yunnan)
Hiroyuki Suzuki and Lozong Lhamo [拉茸拉木]
Processing of the Mandarin polarity item renhe ‘any’
Hongchen Wu and Jiwon Yun
Korean causal markers ‑ese and ‑nikka in clause-initial and final positions in relation to the sequence of Mandarin Chinese yinwei
Eunson Yoo
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Journal for further information of Language and Linguistics.