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[OA] 國語名詞組「的」-當代語法理論之比較研究 (平裝)
中央研究院歷史語言研究所專刊 93
  • 作 者黃居仁
  • 尺 寸
  • ISBN
  • GPN
  • 出版日期1989-03-01
  • 頁數198
  • 定價新台幣280元/USD11
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The body of this book is divided in to six chapters. The first three chapters provide general schemas which account for the morphology, syntax, and semantics of the Mandarin "de" occurring in an NP. The last two chapters are detailed studies of one special construction, the possessive objects, in different theories; and focuses on the applicability of specific features of different theories to an idiosyncratic construction.