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[OA] 中國境內語言暨語言學‧第三輯‧詞法與詞彙
Symposium series of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 2
  • 作 者曹逢甫、王旭(編)
  • 尺 寸16開
  • ISBN957-671-481-8
  • GPN
  • 出版日期1997-01-01
  • 頁數561
  • 定價新台幣1250元
簡介 查看目錄

鄭良偉 (Robert L. Cheng)

On Lexical Structure and Syntactic Projection
黃正德 (C.-T. James Huang)

More on Mandarin Chinese Parts of Speech
James D. McCawley

Metaphorical Extension: The Phenomenon of lai 來/khi 去 ‘come/go’ in Taiwanese
李靜香 (Lilly Lee Chen)

Phonological Diagnostics of Morphological Structure
陳淵泉 (Matthew Y. Chen)

Resultative Compounds and Lexical Relational Structures
鄭禮珊 (Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng)

Syllable Contraction in Chinese
鍾榮富 (Raung-fu Chung)

Right-Dislocation or Right Location? The “Afterthought” Phenomenon in Mandarin Chinese and Markers of Speakers’ Intentions
郭建生 (Jiansheng Guo)

The Compounding Pattern A X B Y in Mandarin
何自力 (Chee Lick Ho)

Mandarin Prosodic Morphology: Evidence from Taboo Words
蕭宇超 (Yuchau E. Hsiao)

Lexicon and Morphology in a Compositional Cognitive Grammar: With Particular Reference to Chinese Verbal Compounds
謝信一 (Hsin-I Hsieh)

Morphological Transparency and Autonomous Morphology: A Comparative Study of Tough Constructions and Nominalization
黃居仁 (Chu-Ren Huang)

Noun Phrase Structure in Mandarin Chinese: DP or NP?
林若望 (Jo-Wang Lin)

Category Shifts and Word-Formation Redundancy Rules in Chinese
戴浩一 (James H-Y. Tai)

A Note on Wh-adjunct Asymmetries
蔡維天 (Wei-tien Dylan Tsai)

C-Command Approach to Morphosyntax
張洪明 (Hongming Zhang)

The Ba-Construction in Chinese: A Morpho-Syntactic Analysis Ke
鄒科 (Ke Zou)文章列表
鄭良偉 (Robert L. Cheng)

On Lexical Structure and Syntactic Projection
黃正德 (C.-T. James Huang)

More on Mandarin Chinese Parts of Speech
James D. McCawley

Metaphorical Extension: The Phenomenon of lai 來/khi 去 ‘come/go’ in Taiwanese
李靜香 (Lilly Lee Chen)

Phonological Diagnostics of Morphological Structure
陳淵泉 (Matthew Y. Chen)

Resultative Compounds and Lexical Relational Structures
鄭禮珊 (Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng)

Syllable Contraction in Chinese
鍾榮富 (Raung-fu Chung)

Right-Dislocation or Right Location? The “Afterthought” Phenomenon in Mandarin Chinese and Markers of Speakers’ Intentions
郭建生 (Jiansheng Guo)

The Compounding Pattern A X B Y in Mandarin
何自力 (Chee Lick Ho)

Mandarin Prosodic Morphology: Evidence from Taboo Words
蕭宇超 (Yuchau E. Hsiao)

Lexicon and Morphology in a Compositional Cognitive Grammar: With Particular Reference to Chinese Verbal Compounds
謝信一 (Hsin-I Hsieh)

Morphological Transparency and Autonomous Morphology: A Comparative Study of Tough Constructions and Nominalization
黃居仁 (Chu-Ren Huang)

Noun Phrase Structure in Mandarin Chinese: DP or NP?
林若望 (Jo-Wang Lin)

Category Shifts and Word-Formation Redundancy Rules in Chinese
戴浩一 (James H-Y. Tai)

A Note on Wh-adjunct Asymmetries
蔡維天 (Wei-tien Dylan Tsai)

C-Command Approach to Morphosyntax
張洪明 (Hongming Zhang)

The Ba-Construction in Chinese: A Morpho-Syntactic Analysis Ke
鄒科 (Ke Zou)