語言變化的機理 (Mechanisms of Language Change)
王士元 (William S. Y. Wang)
丁邦新 (Pang-hsin Ting)
白一平 (William H. Baxter III)
梅祖麟 (Tsu-Lin Mei)
Reconstructing Scenarios of Sound Change
陳淵泉 (Matthew Y. Chen)
何大安 (Dah-an Ho)
木津祐子 (Kizu Yuko)
A Theory of the Bifurcation of the Middle Chinese Voiced Syllable-initial Stops and Affricates into Aspirates and Unaspirates after Devoicing
徐雲揚 (Eric Zee)
Post-stopped Nasals and Lateral Flaps in the Zhongshan (Yue) Dialect: A Study of a Mid-eighteenth Century Sino-Portuguese Glossary
陳潔雯 (Marjorie K. M. Chan)
劉勳寧 (Xunning Liu)
Interaction of Syntactic Changes
何萬順 (One-soon Her)
魏培泉 (P’ei-chuan Wei)
The Grammaticalization of ‘Bei ’in Chinese
張洪明 (Hongming Zhang)
On the History of Chinese Locative Prepositions
貝羅貝 (Alain Peyraube)
On the Mechanisms and Constraints in Syntactic Change: Evidence from Chinese Dialects
曹逢甫 (Feng-fu Tsao)
Synaesthetic Words in the Southern Min Dialect: Their Semantic Structure and Change
連金發 (Chinfa Lien)
鄭良偉 (Robert L. Cheng)
遠藤光曉 (Mitsuaki Endo)
Tone Sandhi and the Dissimilation of Phonation Types: Reflexes of the Beijing Mandarin Third Tone Sandhi Rule in Northern Chinese Dialects
Deborah S. Davison
A Beat-counting Theory of Mandarin Foot Phrasing
蕭宇超 (Yuchau E. Hsiao)
Verb Movement and Some Syntax-semantics Mismatches in Chinese
黃正德 (C.-T. James Huang)
Wh-words as Polarity Items
鄭禮珊 (Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng)
Conditions on the Distribution of Postverbal Duration and Frequency Phrases in Chinese Revisited
湯志真 (Chih-Chen Jane Tang)
Discourse Explanations for the Choice of Jiu and Cai in Mandarin Conversation
劉美君 (Mei-chun Liu)